Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV

I woke up to the sun halfway up the sky. I carefully packed up my makeshift tent and got ready to continue my journey up the mountain. As I was climbing, negative thought made their way into my head. I heard all the things people around the guild would say when they thought I wasn't listening.

"She's not really a big help to team Natsu is she?" ~ Wakaba

"I bet Nab could do better. and he never takes jobs." ~ Vijeeter

"She can't hold but one gate open at a time. And even then she can't hold it open very long." ~ Freed

"She's the main reason for the attacks on us lately. All she's done is get this guild in trouble." ~ Macao

"She wasn't any help during the Tower of Heaven incident." ~ Droy

"Not to mention the Edolas stuff. We got out of that alive cause Wendy convinced the Exceeds to help." ~ Bixlow

All those thoughts made me climb faster. I hadn't noticed I passed a ledge. I looked up to see one high up the mountain. I was about halfway between the two, and I was not climbing back down, so I wiped off the tears that I hadn't realized I shed, and kept climbing. I could feel blisters on my hands and scrapes on my knees and elbows, but I didn't care. After about 15 more minutes of climbing, I was getting close to the ledge. 'I'm running low on energy. I should have stopped a while ago.' I thought as I reached up towards the edge of the ledge. I felt my other hand slipping as I pushed myself higher to reach the ledge. I was about to grab the edge when my supporting hand slipped. Everything went in slow motion. The ledge started moving away from me, and my knees felt weaker than ever. I reached forward, only thinking about how this would be where my story ended. Just then a bright yellow light appeared on the ledge and a chain wrapped around my wrist. Next thing I know I am being pulled towards the ledge. As I got closer I saw my spirit Virgo pulling the chain that's around my wrist.

"Princess! Are you alright?" She asked grabbing my arms, pulling me up.

"Yes. Thank you Virgo." I said.

"What were you thinking pushing yourself like that?" She asked leaning me against the mountain away from the edge.

"I was thinking. I guess I didn't realize how far up I was." I said.

"Anything I can do to help?" She asked setting up my tent and starting a fire.

Virgo's POV

I was sitting with Aquarius in the Celestial Spirit world when I had a strange feeling.

"Do you feel that Aquarius?" I asked

"Yea. I think Lucy is in danger. She's mad at me right now. Go quick." She said as I opened my own gate. When I appeared in the human world, I found myself on a ledge halfway up a mountain. I looked over the edge to see Lucy falling with her eyes shut and her arm reaching up. I took this opportunity to send one of my chains towards her. I wrapped it around her wrist and carefully started pulling her up.

"Princess! Are you alright?" I asked grabbing her arms pulling her up.

"Yes. Thank you, Virgo." She said.

"What were you thinking, pushing yourself like that?" I asked resting her against the mountain away from the edge.

"I was thinking. I guess I didn't realize how far up I was." She said staring over the edge at the slowly setting sun.

"Anything I can do to help?" I asked setting up her tent and starting a fire.

"Actually yes. Could you find Erza and Mira? I wanna know how she's doing." She said as the sun fully set, covering the forest in a blanket of darkness.

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