Chapter 4

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Erza's POV

"Lucy... why are you crying?" I asked worriedly.

"Why not? You guys think I'm weak. Natsu wants me off the team and you probably agree with him. Mira didn't say anything to Lisanna to stop her. You guys think I can't handle myself." She cried harder into her arms.

"What would possibly make you think that I would agree with those boneheads. And why would you think Mira kept her mouth shut. She didn't them to know she was there. She wanted to stay hidden so they couldn't hurt you before she had a chance to prepare you" I explained.


It was about halfway into the search and Mira looked really upset.

"Mira, why didn't you intervene after you heard what they were saying?" I asked her, startling her from her thoughts.

"I didn't want them to know I was there. I figured if they knew I was there, they would go to Lucy before I could warn her. I thought I was doing something right for once. Apparently, I was wrong." She stated sadly, tears streaming down her face.

I grabbed her arm so she would look at me. Her usual happy face was gone and her bright blue eyes were now clouded with sadness. She wouldn't even look me in the eyes. I pulled her into a hug. "We'll find her and make everything right. I promise." She cried into my shoulder

--End of Flashback--

Mira's POV

I sat under a tree close enough to where could hear what they were saying. She didn't believe that I cared about her. I don't deserve to be near her or be her friend anymore.

(From Erza and Lucy) "Why wouldn't she intervene," Lucy asked crying.

"She wanted to help you" Erza replied softly.

"She should have done something then," Lucy screamed.

'She's right. What was I thinking.' I thought to myself. I noticed rain starting to fall. I took this as my opportunity to run away. They wouldn't hear my footsteps over the rain, so I got up and ran along the edge of the forest so they wouldn't see/hear me. As I ran I cursed myself. First I couldn't stop Elfman from taking over the beast, then I couldn't stop him from hurting Lisanna, then I couldn't help during the Phantom Lord attack. I was so useless. Then I finally become useful again but end up making more mistakes anyway. I kept running back to Lucy's apartment where I knew they would go eventually.

When I got there I decided to write Lucy a letter, and leave Magnolia for a while on a solo S-class quest. Those usually take a while.

Once I finished, I put her pen back, folded the letter and stamped it. I made them some sandwiches for when they returned, straightened up her apartment and left turning all the lights out. I headed to the guild and went to the S-Class request board. I took a mission that entailed taking out a dark guild a few towns away. It recommends a team, but I don't want one. I put the request into a bag and left the guild. I put the keys where a guild member could find them along with another note saying I was leaving for a mission and that someone would have to fill in for me. I went to my house figuring Lisanna and Elfman were asleep by now. However, I kept as quiet as I could going to my room to pack a bag for the journey. 'This would be easy if I were a Requip mage like Erza. Then I wouldn't need a bag. It doesn't matter. I need to leave now.' I thought to myself as I snuck back out. I headed to the train station and headed to the mission's destination.

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