Chapter 8

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*imagine the weird tentacles are chains and she actually has clothes on*

Erza's POV

Once the water dissipated I lowered my shield and requipped out of my adamantine armor and into normal clothes. I turned around to face the white-haired mage we've been looking for, and Lucy ran up beside me. "Mira! Are you alright?" She asked. Mira looked at us with a confused look on her face.

"Mira?" I asked reaching for the chainless cuff around her waist. She squirmed and tried to pull away from me. "Who are you?" She asked as she started to tear up.

"Mira? It's me... Erza.." I said wide-eyed. "I just want to get you down from there. May I?" I asked carefully reaching forward. She slowly calmed down and nodded. I reached forward and examined the chains holding her to the wall.

"They seem to lead to these gears," Lucy said.

"Alright. We'll undo her feet first." I said slowly turning the wheel with the chain attached to her ankles. They slowly came away from the wall and hung freely. Mira started to whimper in pain. I ran over to her and carefully held her up so Lucy could turn the wheel holding her hands. Once she was able to be laid down on the floor I broke the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. As soon as I did, they started bleeding. 'They must have had her uptight like that for a long time.' I thought.

"What can I do to help?" Lucy asked kneeling on the other side of Mira.

"Do any of your spirits have access to medical supplies to tide us over till we get back to Magnolia?" I asked.

"Yea. Virgo does!" She said summoning the Maiden again.

"Here you go, princess. Would you three like new clothes as well?" She asked noticing all the blood.

"That would be nice. Thank you." I said as she disappeared. She reappeared with three sets of clothes.

"If you would like, you two may change while I tend to her," Virgo said motioning to Mira.

"That would be great thanks!" Lucy said. As Virgo kneeled down to tend to the wounds Mira sustained, she grabbed my arm. "Mira? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Who's that?" She said sounding like a little kid.

"Oh. This is Virgo. She is a really nice Celestial Spirit who takes care of people. She is a friend of mine and Lucy's" I said.

"O...okay" She said releasing her grip on my arm. I slowly got up and left the room with Lucy to change.

Virgo's POV

Once Lucy and Erza left I carefully picked up Mira and placed her on the bed I noticed in the corner.

"There you go. Is that better?" I asked. She slowly nodded.

"May I remove the rest of your shirt to clean you up?" I asked her. I don't want her to be afraid of me. I sense something is wrong with her. Lucy may not realize it. She nodded trying to sit up but ended up falling back down. "Don't worry. I'll help you." I said carefully getting her into a sitting position. Instead of trying to lift her shirt off her injured arm, I just ripped it the rest of the way. I telepathically called to Aquarius for assistance. I'm gonna need a lot of water. Luckily she came and didn't hesitate to help. Though she did slightly scare Mira, I did most of the work. Aquarius summoned a bunch of water and had brought some rags. I dipped one of the rags into the water and carefully pressed it beside the knife. I gave Mira another rag to bite down on. "Ready?" I asked her as I gripped the handle of the knife. She stuffed the rag into her mouth and nodded. I carefully pulled the knife out as she screamed into the rag. "Aquarius hold her still. If she keeps wiggling she'll hurt herself more." I said and Aquarius carefully went behind her and wrapped one arm around her torso right above her side injury and grabbed Mira's arm with her open hand. She held on to Mira like she was giving her a hug. Aquarius rested her head on Mira's uninjured shoulder and held her tight. I managed to get the knife the rest of the way out and pressed the rag against the wound while Aquarius slowly and carefully let go of her arm and helped me hold the rag in place. She tried getting up to help me wrap Mira's arm, but as she tried to remove her arm Mira grabbed it and held it there. Aquarius slowly sat back down and held the whimpering girl as I got ready to wrap her arm. Once I finished her arm I moved to the wounds on her side and stomach. "Aquarius is gonna have to move for these," I said wetting another rag. Mira slowly nodded and Aquarius moved her arm and sat in front of Mira beside me. As I wiped the blood away Aquarius held her hand. She used her other hand to hold a dry rag up to Mira's stomach while I prepared the wrap again. Once that was wrapped up I grabbed her a black tank top and we slowly put it on being sure to mind her injuries. The pain caused Mira to whimper a little, but we managed to get it on. We then moved to the injury on her leg, starting the process again. Once that was done, I helped her put on a light blue skirt that wouldn't brush over her wound. Finally, we bandaged the cut on her cheek and laid her down.

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