Chapter 16

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The moon was low in the sky, slowly descending past the tips of the trees surrounding the makeshift camp. Crickets were making their way back to their homes, and birds were awakening from their slumber. The fire had long gone out, leaving a pile of ashen logs and cremated sticks, a few flickering embers here and there. The group of Fairytail wizards were sleeping soundly in their sleeping bags as the sun began its ascension. Sending warm, golden rays of light across the forest clearing, two of the sleeping mages stirred. Them being Mira and Lucy.  

"Good morning Lucy," Mira said smiling. 

"Good morning Mira," Lucy said with a yawn. 

"Want to help me find something for breakfast?" 

"Sure. Maybe we can finish before they wake up." Lucy smiled. 

"Maybe. Let's go." Mira said cheerfully. The two girls made their way through the surrounding forest, searching for something they could put together for breakfast. Wandering around, they watched as small rabbits bound in front of them, playing with one another in the morning light. They watched as birds swooped towards the surface of the river, diving under, only to come up seconds later with a large flapping fish in their beaks. 

After a few minutes of looking, they made their way back to the camp with a few fish and various types of berries. 

"Too bad it's the same thing we had last night," Mira said, looking at what they had collected. 

"I'm sure you can make it better." Lucy smiled. 

"Maybe." Mira said as she took the fish from Lucy. "can you start a new fire while I figure out something to do with this?" She asked. 



Lucy went partway into the woods, collecting various sticks and broken branches to burn. Placing a few sticks on the fire, she summoned Loke, asking him to light the fire. Making her way over to where Mira was, she watched as the barmaid carefully cut the fish, placing them on a big, flat stone. 

"That looks good so far," Lucy said sitting next to Mira. 

"Thanks. I figured we could use this rock as a makeshift pan. Instead of shoving a stick into them, I figured I could make it look nicer. We can cook them and have some berries on the side." she said cutting up the last fish. 

"Ready?" Lucy asked. 

"Yup. Let's go cook them."  She said taking the fish covered rock over to the fire. Using other rocks as supports, she placed the slab over the fire, letting the rock absorb the heat and cook the fish. As they cooked, the young sky dragon slayer stirred in her sleeping bag. Sitting up, she looked around to see Cana and Erza still sleeping, and Lucy and Mira sitting by the fire. Stretching, she got up and joined the two by the fire. 

"Good morning guys." She said sitting across from them. 

"Good morning Wendy." They smiled. 

"What are you making?" She asked. 

"Just a simple breakfast. It's almost done if you want to wake up Cana while I wake up Erza." Mira suggested. 

"Okay," Wendy said running over to where Cana was, buried inside her sleeping bag. Checking to see where her head was, Wendy prepared to jump on the brunette. Landing softly on the older girl, Wendy tickled the girl. 

"Wake up Cana!" She laughed. 

"Ugh. I'm up, I'm up." Cana said playfully pushing the smaller girl off herself. Sitting up, she looked over to see Lucy putting together breakfast, Mira beside a sleeping Erza, and Wendy on the ground next to her, still laughing from the wakeup she just gave.  

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