Holy | John Seed

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John Seed x Deputy

"You're afraid of him, aren't you John." Your voice hissed the words out. The electric blue eyes locked in your for a moment before going back to what he was doing. The rope burned your wrists as you tried to move, "What do you mean by that, Deputy?" His voice was calmer then it was a few minutes ago. You hadn't been able to move the chair he had you tied to either way. John had taken his time coming back from putting Hudson in her place. "I mean Joseph. You're afraid of him aren't you?" He looked hesitant at the mention of his brother, "No. I don't have a reason to be afraid of my Brother." You hummed and continued to watch him, his sleeves were rolling down his arms and he constantly had to pull them back up, "I've got rubber bands in my pocket if you need them..." he sighed and shook his head, "Suddenly you're so generous and questioning." You pursed your lips at him, "I feel sorry for you." He scoffed and rose his eyes to meet yours again, his expression stern. "If anything, I feel sorry for you." You rolled your eyes and shifted in your seat, waiting for the conversation to end. You let him have his way, but you screamed and tried to kick him when the carving started. If you hadn't of been restrained he would have a nasty bruise covering his face. It didn't take long for him to finish what he was doing, even though your struggling made it harder. It was one word scratched into your skin- wrath. He smiled down at you, "That wasn't so bad was it?" You stared at him and scowled, his hand reaching around to the back of your head and gripping the chair, "Joseph will be pleased with you." You shook your head, "but will he be with you, John?" He scowled and glared at you, "Just be quiet" you flinched when the chair began to move, and you eventually found yourself in the same room as Hudson. John untied you and you instantly went to hug her, to comfort her. She grabbed ahold of your shirt and buried her face in your shoulder as you stroked her back. "It's okay- we're okay." Her eyes met yours and the face she gave you told you what you didn't want to hear. Hudson pressed her face into your shoulder again and you rocked slightly, "Hey, hey it's okay we'll get out of here. John doesn't know who he's dealing with."
You could hear him snicker behind you as he watched, rolling his eyes and leaving you to Hudson.
"It's okay Joey-I can figure this out." You skimmed the entire room, searching until you found a vent, and your eyes almost lit up. You could feel your shirt getting wet, there you had realised she was sobbing into your shoulder before you returned to hold her again,
"Rook. I'm so sorry Rook." Her voice cracked and wavered. You let her cling to you like a newborn, petting her back softly, "You're safe now Joey."

John was amused at this, leaning forward in his chair, and resting his chin in his hand. He watched you hold Hudson, comforting Hudson, and providing comfort for her. She was your coworker and you treated her with first priority and he found himself wanting to be a priority.
In a good way.
He felt like he was missing the attention you gave to Hudson, even with your body riddled with scars, bullet wounds, and the fresh sins marked on your flesh.
If he didn't know better he'd say you were a bringer of happiness.
But you weren't.
You were a bringer of destruction, wrath, and sin itself. You were the biggest Sinner in Hope County. Joseph had even gone as far to refer to you as Hell.
Joseph would be visiting to see you. To see that John had told the truth. John sighed at the thought, his brother.
His free hand clenched before he leant back again, looking to the screen again.
You had managed to sit down and cross your legs with Hudson's head rested on your shoulder, basically asleep. Something a lot of the people here couldn't do.
John could have sworn you were staring at him through the cameras. You moved to catch Hudson as she fell to your lap, resting her there softly instead, and running your fingers through her messy hair.
John watched and sighed; finding himself envious of her.
It was weird to him, to want a persons touch so badly, and the thought made his stomach wrench. He rubbed his face and stood from his seat, going to drag you out and away from Hudson. He knew you two would find some way to get out, but if you were alone you couldn't do much.

You were drowsing off when you heard the door click, your eyes flicking up to see John, who took no time at all to walk over and grab your wrist, and your head snapped to Hudson.
"John- John wait." You yanked your hand from him and moved Hudson, picked her up and put her on a mattress, and you returned to John with a reluctant look, "Thanks for waiting." He rolled his eyes and grabbed your wrist again, pulling you out, and locking the door back. He eventually put you in a secluded room, no vents, and bliss tanks lined the room. He could feel you tense at the sight before he pushed you inside.
"What about Hudson?" You turned and stared at him, he could see a threatening look in your face, "you won't hurt her will you?" He stared for a moment before rubbing his face, "Be good and we'll see." He could feel your gaze on him. It wasn't harsh, it wasn't threatening, and it wasn't like his brother's. You were calm despite the fact he had carved your skin not to long ago. He stared at you for too long he supposed as you raised a brow, "Do you wanna stick around with me for a bit?" You stared at him as he scowled, his eyes flashing with a sense of pride, but he nodded. He joined you and sat on a bliss tank, crossing his ankles and staring at you, your back against a wall.
"What was your aim, Deputy?" He broke the silence with his question, you hummed and looked up again.
"This aim or the aim to arrest your brother?" John huffed, "all of them." After shifting were you sat you looked up, "I was ordered to cuff your brother, I'm a rookie so that was part of training. I love my partners more then anything. I want to protect them and honestly them only unless someone else enters my life. I do what i'm told by the Sheriff. Now I'm here. If you want honesty, I was going to grab Hudson, and escape. I don't think she'd be able to get out with me though, and so we'll wait until I can figure something out." You could hear John hum, "Joseph will be visiting later. He wants to see that you've confessed." He watched as you tensed and shook your head, your hand reaching to rub your other arm as you thought of the older Seed Brother. You could hear John scoff.
"You're afraid of him, aren't you Rook?"

1247 words

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