Chapter 29:

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"Raven we gotta get moving. Valerian picked something up just a few minutes ago." Josiah says rushing into the shelter where Eric and I had slept.

"Wait what was it?" I ask sitting up

"We don't know but all we know is we need to get moving like now." Josiah says and I feel Eric wake up beside me.

"What's going on?" He asks

"Valerian picked up like a scent or something we need to get moving." Josiah explains again and I help him up.

"Are you gonna be ok?" I ask him and he nods.

"Everything healed I'm just a little stiff. Aside from that I'm good though." Eric says and I nod.

"Alright knock out the fire and let's go." Josiah says and I nod kicking out the fire. We grab our weapons and I help Eric up and we are all off.

"How close was it?" I ask catching up to Valerian.

"No more then a mile away it was close." She says.

"Ok." I reply and we continue walking.


"They are in the woods go go go!" I yell to my creations.

"Bring me my daughter alive!" I yell.

"Do you want the boy too?" One asks

"Which boy?" I ask

"The handler. Guardian." He says

"Yes but you can hurt him as much as you must." I reply and he nods then they are off.


It's hot and we are all exhausted. Eric is stronger but still not at his best. Something aside from the stone had to have hit him. Or the material in the rock. Something is off.

"Guys something isn't right." Valerian says breaking the silence.

Yeah that's what I was thinking.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I don't know I can't form the words to explain it. All I know is we need to get out of here. Now." She says and I nod.

"Can you run?" I ask Eric and he nods.


"Good. Let's go." I say and we take off sprinting behind Valerian and Josiah.


"Box them in! Don't let them escape!" I yell jumping up onto my horse. I kick his sides and we move into a full gallop.

"Box them in!" I yell.

"They're heading east!" A man yells and I groan.

"Go go go!" I yell


"Are those horses!?" I scream continuing to run. We sprint and sprint and I trip and fall then push back up.

"What the hell!?" I scream as suddenly hoofs pounding on the ground sound from all around. We all freeze and put our backs to one another and I gasp.

"Just turn in Raven and the Handler and nobody will get hurt."

"Never." Josiah says

"We were given orders and we will follow them. Hand the girl over." A man says

"We don't want to fight you." I look to the right and see a black horse step forward with a man on top of it.

"And what makes you think we don't!?" I call to the leader.

"Because dear Raven you'd never want to fight your father now would you?"

"My father is dead." I say keeping my face blank.

"No your father is right here he escaped the dark cave." The leader guy says

"Liar." I reply

"Really?" He asks then takes off his mask showing his true appearance.

"Looking like him means nothing." I say stabbing at a demon who tries to sneak up and grab me.

"Good try." I hiss and he smirks

"If I'm not your father how would I know about your tattoo?" He asks

"I don't have a tattoo." I say and he laughs.

"Funny." He says and flicks his wrist at me. My hair flies to the side and I feel the tattoo surface on my skin again.

"That sure looks like a tattoo." He says

"You're still proving nothing!" I yell

"Come on Raven." He says

"What's my mother's name? And what did I tell you the day I lost you?" I ask

"I've already went over this. You told me you knew you were different, and that you would avenge your mother's name." He says simply

"What's her name?" I ask

"Nymeria Alexandra Vane." He says

"How'd you escape?" I ask

"I was never caught." He replies and I scream as suddenly the ground below me opens and I fall in going farther and farther down. I hit the ground and the world goes black.


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