Planning a Birthday Prank!

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It had been 7 years since the downfall of Voldemort, or that is what most thought, others, though, knew he would be back for Harry. Much had changed since then.

A long-awaited girl had been born and the Weasleys had named her Ginevra Molly Weasley, but everyone called her Ginny. Remus and Sirius had officially adopted Harry. Charlie and Percy had been accepted into Hogwarts, though no one had expected Percy to get in because he was so controlled at storing his magic away, that no one has ever seen him perform it. They couldn't be sure that the book had written Percy's name in it. Though he had performed it before, when he was very young and and doing his experiments (the entire family shivered any time he brought the subject up).

Fred and George had pulled many pranks, especially on Ron. There was the time when he broke Fred's toy broomstick and so the teddy Ron happened to be holding transformed into a giant spider. A few years after this they almost made an unbreakable vow with him. Then they have him an acid pop which burnt right through his tongue! In all of these cases, Fred seemed to be the ringleader of the duo, but George has his moments. Though unlike Fred, they seemed to be more harmless. For instance, George sent Ron a letter which caused ink to explode out of it once opened, he got punished for that, by having to de-gnome the garden for the next week.

Percy had a soft spot for the two youngest Weasleys, Ron and Ginny. He certainly wasn't as much of a prat to them as he was to the twins and his older brothers. He was very proud of Ron, for some odd reason, though Ron disliked Percy as much as the twins.

Fred and George were turning 11 on the first of April and it was customary for them to be allowed to pull one prank on the guests each year. Ron had just had his 9th birthday and now the twins were already planning their marauder worthy prank for the guests. How could they ever top last year's?

Fred and George has just started planning when Harry burst into the room.

"What are you two doing?" Harry asked. The twins had always been fond of Harry, he was a troublemaker just like the twins. Well, he was the kid of legendary James Potter, a marauder! Also, he was under the care of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, two other members of the marauders.

Not long after the downfall of Voldemort, it had been discovered that Peter Pettigrew had betrayed both the Potters and the marauders! The man had been revealed as the rat he was! Somehow, he had gotten the information to Voldemort! He wasn't even the secret keeper!

"We are planning our birthday prank!" They said in unison, "Wanna help?"

"Sure! Have you ever pretended to ruin your own birthday before? " Harry asked with a gleam in his eye. Fred and George shared a look. They loved this kid!

Fred and George spent the majority of the morning with Harry, planning how things would go wrong. For this, they would need a spy and this was Harry. He would have to relay all of the birthday plans back to Fred and George. He set around doing this quite slyly.

"Mrs Weasley?"

" Yes Harry, dear? "

"I was just wondering what is going too happen on the twins' birthday. It would be helpful to know in advance, seeing as Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus need to know what will happen about the sleepover too!" Harry lied, for some reason he was a natural and Molly Weasley fell for it.

"Oh, my! Of course, dear. I completely forgot! You spend so much time here, that I forget you don't live here! Not that it is a bad thing, you are always welcome here Harry." Mrs Weasley rambled on.

Half an hour later, Harry had all the stuff written down.

"I do hope you can keep a secret dear!" Molly had said as he had left with the list. He felt only slightly guilty as he lied through his teeth.

"Of course, Mrs Weasley!" He had said. Once out of sight, he raced upstairs to the room the twins shared. He gave them the list and they set to work.

Birthday Plans
9 am: Wake the boys up and go downstairs for a birthday breakfast of pancakes, waffles, toast, cereal, etc.

10 am: Watch the boys open gifts from friends and family! Some guests arrive, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and the Lovegoods and children from Hogwarts (permission from Headmaster as it is a Hogsmeade weekend).

10:40 am: Play Quidditch in the back yard until someone catches the snitch.

12 pm: Have lunch and postpone the Quidditch game if not won, until after a picnic lunch.

12:35 pm: Resume the game/ Play games like exploding snap and chess!

1 pm: The guests arrive and the party starts.

1:30 pm: Set up the tent and lay out the part food and any other presents.

2 pm: Anything the boys want to do (possibly the party prank, warn guests about prank).

4 pm: Eat and open any other presents.

8 pm: Guests leave, except the ones staying for the sleepover.

9:30 pm: Bedtime for the boys and the guests.

10 pm: Lights out.

Early next morning send the boys back to Hogwarts by floo. Then say goodbye to any other guests that will be leaving.

The twins smirked, their clueless mum would have no idea!

Fred and George: The Series (Book One)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя