The First Day

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Monday morning soon came and the first year Gryffindor pupils found their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Oi! Perce! Pass us the newspaper!" Fred and George shouted to their brother, who handed the DailyProphet over stiffly. Jay drizzled her pancakes with maple syrup and chocolate sauce as she looked over at the newspaper. The photo on the front was moving and Jay shook her head to clear it. She was still getting used to he fact that photos and paintings could talk and move!

"Let's see what rubbish they've written for us today!" Fred said, opening the paper up as he chewed on a piece of bacon.

"Aah here it is. Oh lovely what a nice compliment." Fred said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"What did they say?" Jay and Lee questioned, eagerly trying to peer at the paper.

"Yesterday afternoon Albus Dumbledore was questioned after allowing two underage wizards to perform the Memoria spell on another child. The two boys in question were none other than Arthur Weasley's twin boys, Fred and George Weasley.

They had performed it the day before and were in a coma for several hours. The ministry are looking to terminate the headmaster from Hogwarts for breaking several educational decrees.

Since yesterday, Millicent Bagnold, the current minister for magic has been in several meetings with the headmaster. Madam Pomfrey, the mediwitch had this to say "Oh of course I was furious. The girl had lost her memory just the day before after an accident concerning the groundskeeper!"

After this incident the Daily Prophet after that the school should be shut down until a proper headmaster or headmistress can be appointed.

But why would the Weasleys have so many children? All we know is that they are unfit to be parents after willingly sending their children off to a place like Hogwarts." George sighed.

"They're always finding some way to poke fun at us or our parents!" The boy groaned. Jay looked at him in confusion.

"And half the time it doesn't even make sense!" Fred added. A few moments later, Professor McGonagall came around with the timetables for the first years.

"Potions with Snape. Apparently he's the worst!"

"Well dear brother of mine, we must be on our way to annoy this fella!"

"That we must George that we must! You coming, Jay?" The three of them left the hall and made their way to the dungeons.

Snape was waiting outside one class impatiently tapping his foot, he glared at the trio especially the two boys. "Sir are you trying to tap dance, I think it goes a bit more like this!" Jay said cheekily and showed off her moves. She patted him on the chest and strode past him into the dungeon. The boys sniggered and followed suit. They reached the back of the classroom and high-fived Jay.

After the whole class entered, Snape stormed in, his robes billowing behind him. "Sir before you start, may I ask you a question?"

"You already did, but what is it Weasley?" Snape spat.

"Well sir, what do you get if you mix soap and hair? Clean hair! But you wouldn't know that, would you Sevvy?" The class laughed as Snape turned grey.

"Weasley! Ten points from Gryffindor! And another five for the mudblood's joke earlier!" All eyes glared at Snape. Especially the purebloods and halfbloods and though the muggleborns had no idea what it meant, they knew it was bad.

Fred and George got their wands out and pointed them at Snape threateningly. "We don't know any good spells yet but if you say that word again, we will study so hard that we are able to hex you into oblivion!" Snape had never been more afraid of two amateur wizards who didn't know any magic. In fact, he had ever been afraid of two amateur wizards who didn't know any magic before. Apart from those stupid maraudering blunderheads!

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