The Marauders Map

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It was nearing Christmas and Jay had been invited to the Weasley's household for part of the Christmas holidays with her family. The twins had warned her about their father, who had an interest in muggles. Jay, however had just shaken the warning off, with the twins muttering, "You'll be sorry!" They had settled into Hogwarts rather well and had quickly gained a reputation of being troublemakers. Already they had each been in more detentions than the rest of the first years put together. No one could remember any group more troublesome, except perhaps those marauders. Percy had been going on and on about them being a "bad influence". The twins disagreed, in fact they argued that if Percy could deal with them then that showed that Percy could be trusted in such positions of "Head Girl"— whoops — "Head Boy" and "Prefect". That made Percy shut up, especially about their remark of being Head Girl. He had just stormed off, presumably to the library to clear his head with a good book or two.

The twins and Jay were deciding what to do the last week that they were at school, for that Friday they would be taking the train home.
"Dungbombs!" Fred exclaimed suddenly, "We'll break into Filch's office and steal some and set them off in the halls! He's bound to have confiscated some at some point." That afternoon, Fred snuck into the office and took a pack of dungbombs. He gave two to Jay and George and then pocketed two for himself. They ran off down the corridor, taking it in turns to set them off.
"You three!" A voice yelled from behind. Filch! "Stop right there!" Now of course the trio had no intention of stopping and ran, weaving through crowds and crowds of students heading to dinner. They reached a dead end and panted, Filch was catching up. If they could just weave around him and get to a safe place, somewhere that Filch wasn't able to follow them. Fred shouted this to them and they obliged making it past Filch. Or at least they thought so. Jay felt a hand on her arm and struggled to break free as Filch tightened his grip.
"Help!" She yelled and the two boys turned to face her.
"Jay!" Screamed Fred, "Let go of her you brute!" Filch chuckled nastily.
"You lot are coming with me." The two boys couldn't do anything but obey if they wanted to help Jay.
"At least let go of me."
"Ha, and have you lot running off. Not a chance missy." Jay squirmed as Filch breathed in her face, the stench of something rotten lingering in his mouth, she gagged and turned her face away, all the while Filch laughing. He dragged her along until they reached his office, he locked it and let go of Jay rather roughly.
"SIT!" He barked.
"Woah, woah, calm down." George said, putting his hands up in mock surrender. Filch only scowled and pulled out three folders that were quite full already. He started to fill out a form that they had seen numerous times already:
Names: Fred & George Weasley and Jay Davies.
Year: First
Crime: Throwing Dungbombs in the halls then attempting to escape.
Recommended Punishment: Detention/Disembowelment
Crime Count: 46 since September 14th

Suddenly the boys spotted an open drawer labelled "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous" and their curiosity got the better of them. George set off his remaining dungbomb that he had not had a chance to set off before and Fred grabbed a piece of parchment whilst Filch tried to get out of the room. Jay ripped up the form and beckoned to the others. They sprinted out of the room and ran past Filch who was coughing.
"OI!" He yelled after them, but the trio had gotten away.
"What is it?" Jay asked as they had gotten a safe distance away from Filch and his office. They had missed dinner and were now headed towards the common room.
"The only thing in the drawer." Fred answered.
"An old piece of parchment?"
"Yup. But if it was in there, it must do something or lead somewhere." Fred reasoned and the other two nodded in agreement. They told the portrait the password of Christmas Tree and entered. Angelina Johnson was looking at them expectantly.
"Where were you?" She demanded impatiently tapping her left foot on the stone floor.
"A heist."
"Don't you think Gryffindor has lost enough house points?" The girl tutted.
"What's the point?"
"What's the point of getting them, it is just tricking us into behaving. Now the Quidditch Cup we need to win, but the House Cup is stupid." Jay said and the twins smirked. Angelina frowned and shook her head.
"You've corrupted her!" She exclaimed, throwing an accusing look at Fred and George. Jay sighed.
"They haven't corrupted me...if anything I corrupt them more than they corrupt me. Now if you'll excuse me." Jay flicked her hair and stalked off to the boy's dormitories. The boys followed behind her snickering.
"Now let's see this parchment then!" Jay said, bouncing onto a bed and snatching the parchment from Fred. She unfolded it, being careful not to rip it and saw that it was blank. The girl groaned in frustration.
"What does it take to get something decent!" Then suddenly a blinding light came from the parchment and words appeared.

-Moony explain to me what's happening! Why do we need to put instructions into the map.
-So that if anyone is worthy and the map detects it then they will be able to unlock all of our secrets.
-Why would we want that?
-Ugh, you lot are clueless, we want to guide the next generation of marauders and keep away the gits like Snape.
-Oi what did you go and slap us for? I did nothing!
-Oh shut up Padfoot.
-You can't talk Moony!
-Oh great! It was recording our words this entire time, now we only have a few moments left, great!
-Can't we reset it?
-No Wormtail.
-Oh. Ok.
-Ok whoever reads this needs to go to the statue on the third floor. -There the map will sense the surroundings and communicate with you again.
-Wait we have to do this spell on the map again!
-No(!) Oh sweet, it picked up my sarcasm! Weren't you listening to a word I said?

Jay and the boys smiled. This was going to be awesome!

Friday came sooner than any of them expected and they were soon on their way back to Platform 9 and 3/4. The trio laughed and made jokes the whole way back. When they pulled into the station Fred grabbed Jay's hand and she blushed slightly as she was dragged over to meet the Weasleys. As soon as she got there Mrs Weasley embraced her in a hug and Jay squirmed to get out of it.
"Oh I've heard so much about you, and someone seems to have a crush with the way he talks about you!" She gushed as both Jay and Fred reddened, turning away from one another.
"Um, my mum and dad should be here soon..." Jay said and suddenly she spotted her parents and 7 year old sister. She weaved through the crowds until she reached them.
"Jay!" Her little sister squealed and Jay smiled. Her younger sister ran up to her and Jay spun her around in her arms.
"Becca, mum, dad, I have some people I want you to meet. I already mentioned them in a couple letters and we'll be going to stay with them for a few days during the holidays." Jay led them back to the Weasleys and the parents immediately broke away to talk and arrange plans.
"Hey guys, this is Rebecca. Say hi Becca!" Her little sister shyly waved to the Weasleys.
"She's seven and really shy around strangers, but once she gets to know you, she won't shut up!" Jay laughed.
"Hey Gin, you're seven aren't you?" Fred said.
"Uh huh, August 11th!" Ginny said proudly.
"Ah!" Gasped Rebecca, "Me too!" The two girls smiled at each other and started to walk away from the group, stopping at a bench near the barrier and proceeded to talk.
"So..." Jay said awkwardly, "I guess those two are best friends now!" She laughed indicating to Ginny and her sister.
"I guess so." Said Fred.
"You're in loooove!" Ron mocked and Fred glared, the young boy took off at a sprint as Fred followed him. Most of the crowd had dispersed now and the adults were looking about ready to leave. Percy had to stop Fred from tying Ron to the track so they could leave.
"Bye Jay, see you soon!" Fred said as they parted ways, after the Weasleys had been so kind as to take them back to Ottery St. Catchpole. To Mr and Mrs Davies it no longer seemed as though there was nothing there, they could now see the peculiar house in which the Weasleys resided in. They left with promises to stay for Christmas Eve, Christmas day and Boxing Day and then to meet back up to get to London. Jay would then be staying until the end of the holidays with her sister who had, in less than an hour become immediate best friends for life (or BFFLs).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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