Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love that's never forgotten - The Obession

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It was the beginning of the frieza Saga. Frieza and his men, are getting prepared to set off to Planet Namek to search for the dragonballs. Frieza calls in her army to line up so she can give her instructions for Planet Namek. You always had a thing for Frieza ever since you've joined the army. She wasn't so mean and commanding but in fact, very genuine, intimidating and polite...(At least around you) But even though she was nice and sweet, she had a dark side to her.

Frieza: Okay men. You guys know what to do. Make sure you guys try your very best to find the Dragonballs when you get to Planet Namek. Be careful around any dangerous obstacles. AND DO NOT KILL ANYONE!

Friezas Soilders: Yes mam!

(You): (Shes so sweet and cute....I never knew how beautiful the color of her eyes were) "

Frieza: Okay. Return to your bunkers and rest up. We will be at Namek in a week. Make sure you guys eat as well. Cant have my soilders dying on me now do I?

(You): (Oh boy, I'd hate for that to happen!)

Friezas Soilders: No mam!

*Friezas Men are start to walk out*

(You) POV

After my years of working in the army, I never thought that I would have feelings for Frieza. She so nice, kind, and so polite. Shes always been like this. I've never seen her ever get aggressive or impatient. She so perfect. But I dont know if I can even make a move on her. I'm not strong, or built enough for her....

*This Frieza, is very clingy and shy. She wants someone to love her unconditionally since she never received that. Not even from her father. Until she saw you of course. She was taller than you. (About 6'0 height) And was thick as well.*

Frieza: Uh....Um (You)?

(You): Yes you're majesty?

Frieza: Please just call me Frieza. I'd feel comfortable with that.

(You): (What the actual hell? This is really odd. Why does she want me to address her as her name? I dont know. But, its probably for a reason I guess...)

(You): Oh... Ok. What do you want? *Blushing a little bit*

Frieza: Ju... Just wanted to let you know, to be careful out there. Yo...You know it can be dangerous out there...

(You): (Why is she stuttering so much? Ive never seen her stutter so much. I can even hear her voice shake... It's actually kinda funny)

(You): Oh. Okay. I understand. Thanks for letting me know.

Frieza: You...Your welcome (You). You know I'm always here for you.

(You): (Always here for me? Now that, I've never heard from her in my years of working with her. Maybe shes just looking after her men that's all. Knowing her, its bound to be so)

(You): Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go back to my room now.

Frieza: O...Okay.

*As you start to turn around and start walking, you hear quick footsteps approaching you from behind. Then, arms wrapped around your waste. Her big round boobs, pressed against your back and and her tail wrapped around you*

(You): Uh... Frieza?

Frieza: Oh (You) I just cant resist any longer. I love you (You). I loved you for so long. I just cant see you go.

*Your hearts and stomache dropped. Butterfly's start to fill each part of your body. Your knees were starting to get weak after you heard those words. You always had a crush on frieza. But never did you knew she always had feelings for you. You start to see black. Then....*

Frieza: (You)....(You)!!!! Oh my God.

*Friezas POV*

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. What the hell did I do? Did I confess to early? I'm so stupid.  I shouldn't have said that. This is all my fault.... No, I shouldn't put myself down. I love him. And I want him to be mine. I will do everything if that's what it takes for him to be mine!... Maybe I'll just get stronger....Yes. That will work.

*Authors Message*

Hey guys. Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Part 2 will be coming. Sorry if this was short. Its 1 in the morning and I'm kinnnda tired. But it's good though.

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now