Important Message + Voice acting + Story Update!

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First off, Merry Christmas to all and to the wonderful families out there. And especially to my readers enjoying my story so far. Now! To the fun stuff. I need your guys help....

To start off, I love voice acting and acting in general. I never really discovered my talent up until this point in my life and I defintely want to reach my goal to voice act in a comic or series as I am serious about it. So....that's where you guys come in!

So I have created a profile on casting club where it's a website that you can find voice acting, editing, animation and much more. And all i need you guys to do is check out my profile, listen to my demo, and leave your feedback, and spread the message! Once again, I am very serious about voice acting so voice acting for a comic or comic dub will be a big achievement!

Heres the link to my profile

And depending on the feedback, I can voice act the Female Frieza series where I voice act all of the parts and put them all in one video! Thank you guys for reading wonderful message! Next part will be coming shortly....

Thank you guys and have a Merry Christmas

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora