Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love that's never forgotten (Part 5)

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*After Frieza hurries from her room to the speech room, she heres a conversation in the ginyu force room between Jeice, Guldo and Burter. They were discussing about killing Frieza and saving (You)!. Frieza steps in as soon as you cut off Guldo from finishing his sentence*

Guldo, Burter, Jeice: *Gasp* FRIEZA!!!

Frieza: So you guys are planning on killing me. Is that correct?....To protect (You) away from me?! "As she says with anger and rage"

Jeice: U...Um...F-

Burter: JEICE!....

*Jeice looks at Burter for a few seconds as burter does the same. They both shake there heads*

Guldo: We know what your doing to (You) and its wrong. Your supposed to be our leader, not bother with your men.

*Frieza glares at Guldo with so much anger that the 3 can see veins coming out from her head*


*Burter and guldo gets into stance as Jeice is shaking in fear*

Frieza: Hehehe....hehe...HAHAAHAHAHAAAHAAAAA!!!! You know what?! who am I kidding, you guys dont mean shit to me anyways....No one is gonna get in the way of my love for (You). Guess im gonna have to kill all of you then. 

*Friezas tone turned into stone cold monster*

Jeice: (Well...This is it. This was a journey wasnt it? Kinda knew this was gonna happen anyways)

*Burter and guldo both grunt as they prepare to fight the trio*

*Frieza's sanity has broken and her gentle self turned into insanity. She instantly turned into her golden form and ki blasts Guldo first causing an explosion to loud for everyone on the ship to hear. The ki blast was so fast that it instanly killed Guldo*

Burter and Jeice: GULDO NOOOO!!!!!!

Frieza: I WILL KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU!!! DIE!!!!!!!

Burter: FRIEZA! I will defeat you! You have gone far enough. As the fastest person in the universe, I will show you my power! JEICE! Get ready, Shes gonna attack....

Jeice:... Okay! Burter, Lets do this!

*While your in Frieza's room getting dressed. You heard an explosion outside the door. You quickly put your clothes on and rush out the door to check on your girlfriend (Frieza)*

You: Crap, Crap, Crap!. What in the hell was that!? And where did that come from? Man I hope shes okay.

*Mean while, Captain Ginyu and Recoome quickly head back too the training room to check on the trio. As they come in to their surprise they see Frieza.*

Captain Ginyu: Majesty Frieza! What are you doin-

*Frieza teleports in front of Captain Ginyu and death beems his head. Instanly killing him*

Recoome: FRIEZZAA!! WHY!?!!!!

Frieza: ...

*Frieza raises her hand to fire a ki blast towards Recoome but burter being speedy, swoops in and pushes Recoome to the ground out of the way. Causing another explosion to occur. The ship starts to rumble and Frieza's men and staff are all wondering what the hell is going on*

Burter: Recoome!! Watch out!!

*You fell to the ground after hearing the 2nd explosion*

You: Another explosion?! Just what the hell is going on!? Damn it, Frieza....Just whats going on my love?

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now