Female Frieza x Male Reader - A New Beginning (Part 1)

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This takes place 10 years after the events of the planet Namek arc. Frieza had abandoned her mission for Planet Namek in search for the Dragonballs. She falls in love with a soldier who has been very loyal to her for a very long time. And from that point have been  married ever since!*

*10 years of peace go by well. Frieza met Goku and his friends and apologized to Goku and Vegeta about the destruction of their Planet. Goku was fine as he sensed the good in Frieza. Vegeta on the other hand, still shallow and cold towards her but Vegeta deep down forgave her as he have moved on from his arrogant ways now that he has a family on his own.*

*Frieza helped Gohan defeat Cell with ease and befriended 17 and 18. And ending the reign of terror caused by Majin Buu! (Also with ease)*

*It was the 10 in the morning and Fresta, Trunks and Goten are out training together in their super saiyan forms*

Fresta: Come on! Is that the best you two can do?!

Goten: Ah! Fresta! Your so strong! It's like you've been training your whole life!

*Goten powers down to his base form*

Trunks: Yeah Gotens right! How are you so strong?! Gah it doesnt matter. It looks like where gonna have to go full power on this one! You ready Goten!?

Goten: Yeah!!! *Stomache grumbles* Um actually can we get something to eat first.....?

Trunks: *Stomache grumbles* Yeah... let's get some grub. You coming fresta?!

*Trunks powers down to his base form*

(Ugh... I'm glad we didn't continue this. Otherwise we would've been cooked! She always out matches us....shes just...way to strong for us!)

Fresta: Yeah! *Fresta flies down* (They actually put up a good fight this time. They actually got stronger the last time we fought! Hopefully Mom will teach me that new form of hers...)

*In the living room of Capsule Corporation*

Krillin: So um...Frieza..So when you killed the ginyu force. Was it you know....A hard thing to do?

Frieza: No. I was angry that they were planning to attack against me. Until I intervened them in their conversation.  My rage took over me and before I knew it, I should no mercy on them.

Krillin: *Shocked in suprised* Woah....

Goku: Oh wow! So the ginyu force is gone now. I bet it was the right thing to do as you as you had a different goal set in mind.

Frieza: Mhmhmm I did. Immortality and world domination was just childish to me. There was no need for such thing when I already have everything I want right here. And of course...My one and only husband! *Frieza smiles*

Piccolo: Hm....(So you pretty much just wanted peace all along huh?)

Frieza: (Indeed I did!) *Frieza replies*

Piccolo: *Piccolo looks in surpise*

Vegeta: And what of Cooler and Cold? I know there still around out there. Probably planning something by now since you betrayed them.

Goku: Vegeta! *Yells at Vegeta*

Frieza: No its okay.  I did betray them. I'm not sure what they are planning. It's been years since then and they could be anywhere by now...

Gohan: *Gasp* (So...They could be planning something towards heading to Earth!)

Frieza: (That's correct Gohan) *replies to Gohan*

Gohan: *Also looks in shock* How did you....*Slightly says*

Goku: *Clamps fists together* Well if that's the case, then we are just gonna have to train as much as possible. Especially with our new forms! Right Vegeta!?

Vegeta: We have no choice BUT to train kakarot. We still need to adjust to our new forms anyways.

Krillin: I think I'm gonna sit this one out....I feel like there gonna be wayyyyy to strong for me.

Yamcha: Yeah.  I'm with krillin. I'm just too out matched. I'd just get in the way.

Tien: Yeah agreed Yamcha.

Piccolo: If that's the case then it's just me, Gohan, Goku and Vegeta. What of the boys Goku?

Goku: In a fight like this no. It could get very dangerous for them. 10 years went by, who knows how strong they could be.  It's just best if we give it are all and show em who's boss!

Gohan: Cooler....King Cold....Piccolo Could you help me train? I need to go past my limits...

Piccolo: Heh...I knew you were gonna ask.

Frieza: (Goku, All...Your spirits are so high! I believe that this will come to an end.... eventually. Fresta....I cant allow you fight this battle.... its would be to fatal.)

*Bulma walks in the living room*

Bulma: Hey guys! Dinner is ready on table.

Goku: Sweet! I'm starving thanks bulma!

*Goku walks past her*

*Vegeta starts to walk past her*

Bulma: Hey, be careful when you go out there. *Bulma hugs and kisses Vegeta*

*Vegeta hugs her back and continues to walk past her*

*Meanwhile outside the door*

Goten: Cooler....and King Cold? They both sound really strong!

Trunks: Yeah...I have this feeling that they could be too strong for us Goten. I mean 10 years! Who knows how strong they are. What do you think Fresta?

Fresta: *Stares down In shock* ..... (Mother....is that true?....Why did you and Father keep this from me?... I'm strong enough I know it!)

*The three here footsteps and quickly head outside and pretend to train*

Bulma: Hey! Dinner is ready!!!

*The three head down into capsule Corp and into the kitchen*

Frieza: (You heard didn't you?) *Frieza says telepathically to Fresta *

Authors Notes

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the new part to the story! Leave comments and let me know what you guys think of the story. More will be coming soon!!! Until then bye bye!

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now