Female Frieza x Male Reader - A Love That's Never Forgotten (Part 3)

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Hey guys. So I decided to put all of the parts in this section story so it be easier for you guys to find. I'm going to put all of the parts here in this section so definitely stay tuned :D

*Previously from part 2*

*After (You) and Frieza have an understanding of each other, Frieza invites you too dinner. She makes a wonderful sea food dish. It was so good, you almost went nuts.

But for some reason, Frieza didn't want to eat anything. Instead...She just, watches you the whole time until... she wanted to show you something.....A new power of her's!! (Frieza): (haha....haaahahaaha!!!!!!!)*

*Mean while, in Frieza's training room.*

Jeice: Okay...guys!? Something is really not going on here....and it's really freaking the fuck out of me.

Burter: Okay, okay, okay, chill the hell out jeice. What's up with you? That was so sudden.

Guldo: Yeah. What's with you today?

Jeice: *sigh* I'm sorry guys. It's this feeling going on inside of me. It's making me really uncomfortable. Like something on this ship is going to happen. Possibly horrifying.

Burter: (Oh there it goes again. Another one of this thoughts. This might be intersting)

Hm. We've had this happen. Before. But I feel like I'm starting to catch on.

Guldo: Hm. Let me guess. Is it Frieza?

Jeice: Woah. How did you know that?

Guldo: let's just say that I've also been having those feelings as well. Don't worry. Your not the only one jeice.

Burter: (Holy shit!.... No fucking way? Guldo has those same feelings like me too? This is so.... I don't even have words for this...).

Hm...well since you and Jeice have the same thoughts going on, will you help us get to the bottom of (You) and Lord Frieza?

Guldo: Why yes Burter. It be my honor too. Especially as part of the Ginyu Force!!!

Burter: (I feel like we are really getting down to the conclusions here. Another funny thing is the sudden shake of the ship. There cant be debre out in space because, it's completely empty out there. And I know that I wasnt the only one that felt something strange.....)

*Back to the kitchen*

*Aura surrounds Frieza. And food and dishes are flying everywhere. )

Frieza: So my love, what do you think of my new form? I'm sure your love my curves and my figure, Hmmmm......? *giggles*

*Frieza's transformation made her figure ten times thicker and much stronger. Frieza boobs and butt were very soft yet firm. Her arms were very muscular as well. Her black hair and her lips stick added the perfect touch of her transformation. *

(You): (Oh. My. God. What the hell did she just do?????!!! This form of her's.... This is really weird and I dont know what to do?.... Frieza. Why do you have such feelings towards me? How long have your feelings last towards me? Damn it.....I need answers..... Frieza...I like you too, but I have to escape...Ugh. not feeling so well...)

You: Frieza.... what are you doing? No. WHY are you doing this? I don't understand.....

Frieza: Because my darling. You belong to me now!! I kept my feelings from you from you ever since you first started working for me three years ago. You are so handsome, kind, and nice. I can tell through the look on your face that when ever I needed you, you wanted to get to know me better.

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now