Female Frieza x Male Reader - A New Beginning - A Love That's Never Forgotten

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Hey guys!  So I figured Id end this series of pretty well considering its gained alot of attention. I'm happy you guys love it!!  This story is going to be long so make sure you pay attention to the details in this story.  Also if you havent,  make sure you check out my newest Mewtwo Yandere story.  (Also parts 3 through final in the frieza story :D) Thank you guys so much for the support much love!!!!  :D

*Beginning from where we left off*

Trunks and Frieza: BLACK FRIEZA?!?

Trunks: (Her energy.... I can't feel it at all.  I also can feel (Female) Friezas energy either...)

Black Frieza: Indeed it is I.

Frieza: What the hell do you want?!

Black frieza: Well, it should be obvious by now.  I come from an alternate timeline, kill your child and family,  and take your body. *Whispers* including your golden form.  In that order.  Should be simple am I correct? *She gets into fighting stance*

Frieza: BRING IT BITCH!!! *Frieza powers up in her golden form.  Her rage increases her power*

Frieza: Kyyyaaaaaaa!!!! *Frieza charges at high speed and hits her sending a shockwave in the air.

Black Frieza: Shit she's strong....

Trunks: (I dont think im gonna survive this fight.... Ill get help) Frieza!  I'm gonna meet up with Goku and the crew. I'll be back as soon as possible!  *Trunks turns ssj2 and fly high speed off.*

*Frieza kicks Black Frieza fast into her face and sends her flying into the mountain greatly injuring her*


*Meanwhile at Friezas house*

Fresta:.... That energy.... There's two of them!  And their huge!!! One of them feels like Mother?!?  No.... Two?!  I have to check this out!!

*Fresta sneaks toward her parents bedroom. *

Fresta: Sound asleep.... I keep forgetting he's never been taught to feel energy.  I'm glad he won't be worried....

*Fresta floats down stairs and gently open the front door and closes it. *

Fresta: I'm coming Mother!!!  *Fresta Flies off at high speed toward the energy*

*After 3 minutes of flight Trunks meets up with goku and the crew only to see Cooler and King cold standing outside their ship.  Almost as they were waiting for something*

Trunks: Did you guys just get here too?

Krillin: Yeah.  And for some strange reason these two haven't said a word.  They were just standing their.  The purple guy over there kept a angry face for the past 5 minutes.

Goku: Well!?  What do you guys want?  It better not be any trouble because you came to the wrong place for that! *Goku gets into stance*

Piccolo: (Wait a second. Didn't Frieza say that her family came looking for her? These two look just alike to Frieza)

Trunks: Hey!!

*Trunks lands in front of Cooler And King Cold*

Trunks: Im guessing you two are looking for Frieza? 

Cooler: We are.

King Cold: ...

Trunks: Come with me.  Shes back this way. 

Goku and Krillin: Wait What?!

Krillin: Wait a second trunks I thought they were the threat?! 

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now