Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love that's never forgotten (Part 4)

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Frieza POV

What is this? I'm being questioned by my own men...What could th...they want at such a time like this?...Oh well. It doesnt matter. I need to protect my love. Even if I have to kill my own crew....I will. Although I hate it.... But it's something I have to do. For (You)!

Jeice: Freiza, is everything okay?

Frieza: Uhh....Yes? Why do you ask?

Jeice: We...well it's just that -

Burter: Me, Jeice and guldo have all been very suspicious of your behaviour. We just wanted to see if everything is going according to plan your majesty. "Burter intterupts"

Frieza: Oh...Why yes! Ev...everything is going to plan. I've just been very busy with training, making sure that my men is well fit for the task. You know, a queens duty.

Burter: Ah! I see. Understood your majesty. (And what men are we talking about? Is it (You)? That has to be the only other option.

Guldo: And what of (You)? How is he doing? I haven't seen him in a couple of days.

Frieza: (Shit. They caught on!) Oh yes doing fine of course. I sent him off to an important mission to planet yardrak. Collecting more data of course...

*Back in Friezas room*

You: Ugh....I have a major headache right now....Hm...I'm back in Friezas room again. I hope everything is okay with her. I should probably go check on her.

*You try to move from her bed. And with ease, you did! And you managed to get out of Friezas very comfortable bed*

*Back to Friezas hall*

Guldo: Hm. I see.

Frieza: Why do you ask?

Jeice: We were just making sure that he was doing fine with everything. Of course going to planet namek is a stretch so as the ginyu force, we want to make sure hes in top shape. Right guys.

Burter: Yes indeed! (Clever Frieza. But your shy and politeness wont bypass me. We know what your up to. And it's wrong.)

Guldo: Yes sir! (Frieza....Dont tell me your planning to.....)

Frieza: Well that's great to here. Now off you go. I have some major business to handle here.

Burter: Okay. Understood.

Guldo: Okay. Goodbye Frieza.

Jeice: Hope everything goes to plan.

*They all start to head back to there rooms. Suspicious as all hell of Frieza.*

Frieza: Ba Bye. (Oh dont worry Jeice. Things will go quite according to plan....(You). Now that I have you alone to myself, I will make you finally mine!! Hahaaaahaha)

You: Heres the door. Now time too.....

*You turn the knob of Friezas door. And open to your surpise its....*

You: Frieza!! *Blushing drastically* U....Um... I..I....

*Frieza locks eyes onto you. Looking at you with a lustful intent. Her beautiful eyes staring at you. With no emotion. She pushes you back gently into the room and onto her comfortable bed. Locking the door not speaking a word the entire time.*

You: Fr....Friez.....

*She powers up to her golden form making her hundred times beautiful and pins you down onto her bed*

You: Frieza, Theres some....something I want to tell...

Frieza: Shhhhh.....*She puts her finger on your lip* You dont have to say anything else my love....

Female Frieza x Male Reader - A love That's Never ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now