Female Frieza x Male Reader - The Solution - A New Beginning (Part 2)

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() - Telepathically speaking

*Part 1 is now available*

*Back in Bulmas house*

Fresta: (Mother....Are they really going too attack us?...I dont want you or Father to die.) *Fresta tears*

Frieza: (Fresta my child come here)

*Fresta walks over to Friezas arms and hugs her very close*

Frieza: (Everything is going to be okay. I'm more than strong enough to handle them. I wont allow such destruction and harm to come about on our family.)

Fresta: (But Mother, I'm strong too! I can help you fight them. You just need to teach me your form that's all)

Frieza: (I said NO! Fresta! You are too young to fight this battle. I wont allow you to be killed over a childish fight like this. These men are wrecked with anger towards me. This has nothing to do with you my child. I and your father will keep you safe from the evilness from them.)

Goten: Umm....Trunks there just staring at each other...should we...

Trunks: No, I think there just probably having a moment. Lets eat and go back up stairs.

Fresta: *Sigh* (Are you sure Mother?)

Frieza: (I am. I am the mighty Frieza! No one shall stand between us!)

*Both Frieza and Fresta laugh*

*Bulma walks into the living room*

Bulma: And what is so funny over there? Are you two gonna eat?

Frieza: Oh yes! Fresta dear go in and eat. I'm going to the washroom.

*Fast foward on eating*

Bulma: So how did you guys like the meal?

Goku: It was great Bulma!

Yamcha: I loved it!

Tien: It was amazing thankyou. Well, I'm gonna go out and train now. Ready Chiotzu?!

Goku: I agree Tien, Vegeta let's get to work!

Vegeta: Dont order me Kakarrot!

*The Z fighters head outside and fly away to go train*

*Frieza receives a text from her husband*

Big bubba - Hey hun Just came home from getting groceries. All the food is put away too. I'm going to back to work, catch you guys later at the house

Frieza - *Frieza texts back* Okay hun thanks. I'll see you when I get home love you ❤

Bulma: Frieza tonight me and the girls are having a night out. You busy?

Frieza: No not at all!

Bulma: Awesome I'll text you when the girls are here.

Frieza: Okay sounds good. Ready fresta?

Fresta: (Yeah...)

Goten: Bye fresta!! Ms. Frieza is Fresta gonna come back?

Fresta: Can I mother?!

Frieza: After you finish your homework first.

Goten: Yayyyyy!!!!!

Bulma: Bye

*Frieza holds fresta hands and fly away back home*

Fresta: I can fly on my own you know?

Frieza: Sorry a force of habit my dear.

*Meanwhile in a realm above gods*

Whis: Oh wow.... Lord Beerus come look at this. *Whis looks at his orb*

Beerus: *Yawn*.... What is it whis is it better be something interest....IS THAT FRIEZA!!!!!!

Whis: I suppose this is an alternate timeline of some sort where this Frieza was born Female. But rather than the fact that shes a Female doesnt seem odd.

Beerus: Then what could it be?

Whis: Well if we look over here. It seems that her brother and Father are quite possibly planning something against her. Dangerously.

Beerus: Well if she is stronger or as strong as the original Frieza then it shouldn't be an issue. *yawn* Well at least nothing for me to do about it.....I'm going back to sleep. But please wake me when something interesting else happens.

Whis: My pleasure lord Beerus. *Whis looks closer at the orb* Hmm.....

*Deep In Space somewhere*

King Cold: *Takes a sip of his wine* You know surpringly I feel quite energized today.

Cooler: How so?

King Cold: The fact that we're gonna see family for the first time in 10 years!

Cooler: I suppose so. But let us not forget what she did to our men. Abandoning them!

King Cold: Now now, let's not get wild up here. Now let's see, we've been training for 10 years now. We both have these wonderful new forms of ours.

*King cold instantly transforms into his new form, Diamond Cold.*

King Cold: I think we have some LOVE to show to dont we not my son?

*king cold reverts back*

Cooler: Indeed father.

King Cold: (As much as I dont want to hurt you my daughter, I'm afraid there's going to be some consequences towards what you did. I dont know how much you got stronger, but lets hope this doesn't get too outta hand)

Authors notes

Hey guys! I see you guys are liking the female Frieza series. I will start doing more stories since I'm on my break.  Also, please check out my twitch channel as I will be streaming alot of games. Thank you guys!!! Bye bye

I'm live on Twitch - Watch me at twitch.tv/theblackroxas

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