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Oops I lied we ain't starting yet. Here's a list of headcanons that will start out incredibly small but hopefully grow. Imma organize them by character and I assure you they will be anything but balanced

1. She's extremely gullible when it comes to jokes and sarcasm. Janis and Damian use this to their advantage a lot to mess with her.
2. Cady attempts ballet. She's limber and flexible but also rugged, so it doesn't really work.
3. She's bilingual. Swahili and English, sometimes switching repeatedly in a conversation. She typically swears in Swahili if she ever swears at all.
4. Cady plays it off like she hates the Mathletes, but really she loves it. She just doesn't want to be seen as a nerd.

1. Regina never liked spreading the rumors about Janis when she was younger, but newfound popularity blinded her. Before the bus accident happened, she had no idea what remorse felt like. She still refuses to apologize to Janis as she's still extremely stubborn, however, and she's afraid of losing popularity by being nice.
2. She loves exotic foods, but she can't eat most of them due to her attempts at maintaining a slender body. That's why she loved the Kälteens so much. She thought they were exotic and healthy.
3. She doesn't regret the Burn Book in the least.
4. Regina loves writing short stories. She probably keeps a personal diary along with the Burn Book because it lets her vent about her frustrations.

1. Gretchen lies about her opinions more than she actually tells the truth about them (if that makes sense). She always changes her opinion if necessary to whatever is most favorable in whatever crowd she's in. She's almost like a moldable lump of clay. A blank slate.
2. She struggles with severe anxiety about her relationships, to the point of breakdowns. She wants to leave, but without the Plastics, she'll have nothing.
3. She also suffers from OCD.
4. She turns to dance and singing for comfort. Hip-hop and contemporary are her absolute favorites. She also loves making and painting pottery and watercolors.

1. Rumors have been spread that Karen's actually a prodigy and her "dumb blonde" persona is just an act, but she and the rest of the Plastics deny them.
2. She loves stuffed animals and keeps a whole pile of them in her room.
3. Karen wants to be a model when she gets older because "they don't have to be smart if they don't wanna be, they just have to wear clothes and look sexy"
4. Karen often goes on nonsensical tangents or loses her train of thought, and requires someone to help her get back on track. Some say she has ADHD, but she insists it's ESPN.

Janis: (I have plenty for this one, buckle up kiddos)
1. She has countless phobias, both rational and irrational. Some include: blood, needles, spiral staircases (falling down the middle), enclosed spaces, powdered sugar (she always thinks it's disguised drugs) being alone in the dark, oceans/pools, numbness.
2. She has panic attacks fairly frequently. Everyone calls them "episodes". They come and go spontaneously, at varying degrees for varying lengths of time. She can't control them, no matter how hard she tries. Even when she's happy, sometimes they still happen. They range from as mild as staying quiet/spacing out and irregularly breathing for a few minutes, but can sometimes get so bad that she practically becomes detached from herself in a complete emotional and physical breakdown, almost like she's in an alternate universe for several hours (this has only happened 1-2 times). They don't come on every time she's upset. Sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't, which gives her even more anxiety.
3. Janis loves painting her nails and coloring her hair with markers/highlighters. She'll do it all the time when she's bored in class.
4. She often forgets to think before she speaks or acts, which gets her into trouble. Recklessness/impulsiveness is not uncommon with her. Cady and Damian keep her sane.
5. She loves the internet (especially Tumblr). She probably has a meme/shitpost account that no one knows about.
6. Janis struggles constantly with her identity (especially her sexuality), having existential crises frequently as part of her panic attacks.
7. She's a hardcore feminist/liberal. Hard. Fucking. Core.
8. Janis often does dares and other random shit that she knows she'll regret, but she does it anyway.
9. She suffers from the occasional nightmare. When they happen, it means she hasn't had a good day at all. She's always afraid of being alone when these happen, so she refuses to sleep unless she knows someone is close enough that they can hear her. She often talks/shouts in her sleep and can't stay still when she's having a nightmare.
10. Janis despises change. It gives her anxiety. If it's good change, it's okay, such as meeting Cady. But bad or sometimes even neutral change throws her off completely/overwhelms her and she hates the feeling more than anything.
11. She also hates the feeling of vulnerability/helplessness.

1. He worries for Janis constantly, always checking in to make sure she's okay. When she's not, which is often, it breaks him.
2. Damian once sent an edible arrangement bouquet to Philip's mom as an attempt to make peace. He got it back a week later, smashed to bits.
3. Damian's dad left him after Damian came out as gay to him.
4. He loves acting out musicals, especially when Janis and Cady come over and they sing duets/trios. Damian's voice is thick and melodious, often operatic/showy, Cady's pure and soft, with smooth transitions between head and chest voice, and Janis' sharp and loud. She loves belting even though she sounds like a cat being ground through a wood chipper. But nobody minds.

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