Let's Make Our Own Kind Of Movie Magic

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"So, what're you feeling?" Cady asked Janis as they stare up at the colorful marquee displaying several movie titles.

"Hm, I don't know, A Quiet Place sounds like it'll be a thrill ride." Janis chuckled to herself before noticing that Cady isn't chuckling back, instead staring at the popcorn kernel-covered rug.

"Cads, you okay?" Janis asked, taking her hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Sounds good." Cady played the Janis card, hoping she wouldn't be able to see right through it. Cady never liked horror movies, but Janis and Damian always made her watch them with them, not realizing how much it scared her. Cady was far too nice to say anything, so she suffered in silence, covering her eyes whenever they weren't looking.

Janis tugged playfully on Cady's limp arm. "Come on, Cads, it's a horror thriller, our favorite! And Damian's at play practice, so for once it can be the two of us alone! You've always said you need more time with me." Janis pressed a kiss to Cady's knuckles, which were starting to turn white as she gripped Janis' hand. Cady tried to say something, to try to divert her away, but Janis had that kid-in-a-candy-store look on her face and an excited gleam in her soft brown eyes, something Cady hadn't seen since they met. Janis was right, this was valuable time she had with her, and she wasn't going to let a little, albeit terrifying, movie ruin it for her. So she unclenched Janis' hand and walked up hesitantly to the ticket person. "Two tickets to A Quiet Place please," she said through a forced smile. The ticket person handed them the stubs as Cady placed money on the counter.

"Cads, you're the best, have I ever told you that?" Janis exclaimed, a gleeful lilt in her voice. "This is gonna be epic!"

"Mm hm," Cady nodded, still forcing a smile.

Janis was oblivious to the fake excitement in her voice, too enthralled in her own joy. "Now, step 2, we buy a bunch of food and chow down!" Janis yelped, practically dragging Cady to the snack stand.

"I'll pay for this stuff, I need to not feel like a shitty person who lets their date pay for everything." Janis shoved a hand over her mouth as soon as the words came out.

"So this is a date, huh? What happened to 'Oh we're just going platonically even though everyone's seen me make out with you before?'"

"Eh, neither of us really believed that, now, did we?" Janis giggled a little, her pale cheeks turning a faint pinkish color.

"Hey, can you two lesbos shut up and order already? You're holding up the line!" some older guy behind them barked. They had somehow made it to the front of the line without even realizing, and when they faced forward they could see the people behind the counter glaring at them impatiently. "Oh, agh, I'm sorry, um, I'll get a large popcorn, and, um...some Red Vines...no wait, Twizzlers, who buys Red Vines? No, I shouldn't say that, people like Red Vines. Anyway, uh, can I also get a thing of Sour Patch Kids and a Coke? God, I feel like an asshole, why do I talk?! Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I? Ugh, I'm sorry, what do you want?" Janis turned to Cady with her head in her hands and her cheeks redder than before, unsuccessfully disguising her prominent social anxiety and general inability to formulate a sentence. She took deep breaths as Cady placed her order, flinging her contribution of $30 onto the counter in silence before she said something else dumb and made a bigger fool of herself. The cashier took the money and placed their food onto the counter quickly, clearly fed up with them both.

Cady awkwardly balanced her food on her arm, took Janis' somehow empty hand, and pulled her off to the side away from the crowds to make sure she was okay. She was still red in the face and her chest heaved shakily with anxiety. "Jan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

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