Chapter 12 Phone Conversation With Abby

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Hello! Okay, so you guys didn't get a whole lot of reads last night, but that's okay for a bunch of reasons. 1. This story isn't extremely popular because it's still really new. 2. You can't exactly make people read it. 3. I have no idea what time zone you're in so you could be sleeping or it could the middle of the day and you're busy for all I know. So it's okay! I love you anyways! This chapter's pretty long. It took up almost 6 pages on Microsoft Word. It's better than my last one, I think. But let me know what YOU think! Comment, fan, vote! Thank you so much for reading! Love ya!


Chapter 12

"Girl, you're a hot mess!" Louis exclaimed, "Oh! My bad, were you 2 gonna kiss?! Go ahead, don't mind me, try it again."

We glared at him. He had better learn to sleep with his eyes open.

Oblivious, Louis screamed at the TV, "NO YOU STUPID MORON! DON'T LET GO! YOU'RE TELLING HER NEVER TO LET GO AND YOU'RE LETTING GO?! YOU IDIOT!!! HANG ON! HELP IS ON THE WAY! WHY ARE YOU DEAD?! NO, WAKE UP!!! NO! NO-" Louis was cut off when he was attacked my Zayn. Haha. You don't wake Zayn up in the middle of the night. Period. EVER. Simple as that. We were all wide awake now, thanks to Louis's rant. Liam and Harry were attempting to pull Zayn and Louis apart from their wrestling match. "I'm going to bed," I said to no one in particular. "Me too," Niall agreed, hopping up.

We walked up the stairs side by side in silence. When we got to Niall's room, I paused to say goodbye. Out of nowhere, Niall grabbed me around the waist and started to kiss me. My first instinct was to knee him in the stomach and flip him over. Wait, no! I caught myself just before I "defended" myself. My second thought was "OMG I'M KISSING NIALL HORAN!!!" Then I remembered- wasn't I supposed to kiss back? Put my arms around his neck? Shouldn't there be sparks or something? Like the feeling that this was meant to be? Or wasn't? I didn't feel anything except his lips on mine- and not in a good way either. I just stood there, arms hanging at my sides, waiting for him to realize that I was just standing there.

He pulled back after a couple of seconds, confused. "Goodnight," I said and quickly walked back to room and closed the door. I sat down on my bed, taking in what just happened, I've never kissed a guy like that before. When Zayn was home, he was so overprotective. Guys were usually afraid of him, and the ones that weren't were idiots, mainly the bad-boy type, covered in head to toe in tattoos and smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Zayn has a couple tattoos, but they're not huge, disgusting ones. His are much more respectable, so I don't really mind them. He used to smoke, too, but it wasn't very extreme, and he never did it at home because he worried about second-hand smoke. He hated it so much, but wanting to quit and actually quitting are 2 completely different things. I know he stopped now, but I don't know the story. Anyway, like I said, most guys were afraid of him. I've had a couple boyfriends here and there, but while most girls fall fast and hard, I tend to ease myself into relationships, and by the time I decide to let myself fall for a guy, they've already moved on. The trust issues probably come from seeing so many of my friends fall apart because of guys, and I've never wanted to take the chance of getting so hurt. After Zayn left, I never had time for guys, and to be honest, they were the last thing on my mind. So that's why this whole situation was all so awkward. Abby would be much better off here. Oh my God, Abby! She'll kill me if I don't call her. I remembered seeing a house phone in the kitchen I walked out into the hall and was relieved to find that the boys all seemed to be in their rooms. It stinks that I can't make my phone call her. Abby's probably eating an after dinner snack, it being about 7 back home. That girl can hardly go an hour without eating. I crept  into the kitchen and picked up the phone, then dialed her number.

"Hello!" She answered on the second ring.

"Hey Abby! It's Claud!"

"AHHHH!!! CLAUD!!! Hold on...SORRY MOM!...Okay, I'm back! She's trying to take a nap. What's going on? How is everything? Why didn't you call earlier?"

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