i'm okay.

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Richie's POV

"You know what Eddie?" I asked watching Eddie pack my bag.

"Yes bubba?" He smiled biting his lip. I looked the beautiful boy up and down, wondering how the fuck i got so lucky to have him.
"With anyone in the world, you are one i want to spend my life with." I smiled wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Just one?" He asked, confused pressing against my chest.

"Well i fucked that up," we laughed, "i meant the one."

"I know, and i love you." He smiled kissing my cheek. He walked away to finish packing my bag.
"You didn't have to do that." I frowned. "And let me bubba do this one handed? I don't think so." He laughed. "Okay I'm done. Let's check out, then go to Ben & Jerry's? I've been craving it." Eddie growled patting his stomach.

"Eddie will you be my boyfriend?"



"Sorry i was just surprised a little. Of course I'll be your boyfriend baby i love you."

"I love you too, princess."

"Ben & Jerry's?"

"Ben & Jerry's." I smile.
Eddie's POV

omggg, he asked me out!! finally, i've been wanting to get it over with. haha if he could hear my thoughts right now he'd freak. man, i love my boyfriend. haha, boyfriend! here that mom, i have a boyfriend! I giggle out loud to my thoughts.
"What?" Richie looked over to me. I was in the driver's seat impatiently driving to Ben & Jerry's because i want some cake batter ice cream. He was sitting in the passengers seat strolling through his insta feed, and replying to comments on his recent post.
"Nothing, just thinking about this joke Billy told me earlier." I lied. I lied, and he could tell. He could always tell, and i loved it.
"Whatever you say boyfriend." He winked at me.

boyfriend!!! I squeal.

"Okay if you're going to lie to me at least make it realistic b."

"You know too much." I turn down the street. "BEN & JERRY'S OMGGG LOOK RICH! LOOK!"

Richie's POV

My beautiful boyfriend, screaming like a child to the sight of a local Ben & Jerry's. I loved that about him. I look down at his fingers which were bitten down to the skin, his yellow nail polish cracked. Soon his hand was gone and he was out the car.

"C'mon Richie before they close!" Eddie begged. It was 1 and it closed at 9.

"We have 8 hours." I chuckle. I slide out of the car walking hand and hand with Eddie into the shop.
"Sit down baby, I'm going to get you your favourite; rocky road." Eddie sat me down at a booth, which made me feel like a charity case. He walked over to the counter, chatting it up with the Cashier like I usually do. I found it somewhat cute that he did things for me. Not so cute when actually, became me for me.

"Rocky road for my handsome boyfriend, and cake batter for me." He smiled. I smiled too, just so that he was happy.
"Thanks." I took my spoon and dug it in his cake batter, then dipped it in my rocky road and ate it. Eddie looked at me funny. "Is that good?" He nose all scrunched up. I nodded, and he mimicked the recipe.

"Y'know this is like our first date." I laugh, which seemed to make Eddie uncomfortable.

"Yeah. I guess." He swirled his spoon around in his ice cream which was melting a little. I soon realised what he meant.
"I'm okay Eddie, i was barely hurt." I grabbed his hand in mine, rubbing his thumb.
He just nodded.
hope you enjoyed my 609 word story. i was really craving some ice cream. like both flavours. haha, anyway i'm really happy that richie is back on his feet with no major problems... totally.

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