Getaway Pt. 2

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"I'm.. I'm Thomas."

Eddie waved. "Okay great, hi Thomas, who the fuck are you."

"He's my ex..." Adrian let out a sigh and closed the cabin door. "but I promise this isn't what it looks like I swear."

"So it doesn't look like your ex is in our cabin, the cabin YOU tried to keep me from coming in?"

"Okay, It is what it looks like. We can explain though." Thomas stood up.

"Are you threatening me? Are you threatening me in my own cabin?" Eddie took off his shoes, preparing to use them as amo.

"Babe he's just standing up."

"Shut the fuck up, Adrian. I should have known you were too good to be true."

"Eddie, please it's really not what it looks like at all, I swear-"

"-please i don't want to here it, Adrian. What we have... what we had- it's over." Eddie rushed out of the cabin and ran to the front of the site. He could hear Thomas and Adrian shouting his name and for him to come back but he didn't want to listen. Even if Adrian was right, even if there was nothing going on, Eddie needed the way out. He knew where and who he belonged with- and it wasn't Adrian.
"Thanks for coming to get me, bub." Eddie hugged Richie, who was tall and warm and exactly where Eddie wanted to be.

"You know I'd do anything for you, princess."

Nothing felt better in that moment than kissing Richie Tozier on his soft pink lips.

"I love you, Trashmouth."

"I love you more, Spaghetti."

this was short but like idk if i want to end the story here or continue the story but either way it works anyways hope u enjoyed sexis.

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