simon blackquill, aura blackquill

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SFW - how they would experience a cruise with you.

Simon Blackquill

• as someone who is interested in the samurai culture and Japanese culture in general, Simon would love to tour around what art exhibits were available both on the cruise and at the locations you were visiting.

• a lot of time would be spent just watching the ship sail through the waters, with taka on his shoulder (somehow he managed to bring the bird!) and chatting quietly. Some areas of the ship can be congested at times, so he likes to be somewhere more tranquil and focus his attention on you.

• he would absolutely refuse to volunteer in any of the games that the cruise staff would host during the day, so if you dare to volunteer him, he would have no voice but to join in, with a deathly expression that scared even his manliest "fellow volunteers".

Aura Blackquill

• she would love to take advantage of the warmer weather and sunbathe with you for hours upon hours. It's a nice change from the laboratory, and upon your return you can guess that Clonco will be praising Aura for such a golden tan, much to her (usual) annoyance.

• she likes to go offshore a lot, and takes you to the popular tourist locations that she researched before the trip. every day is organised down the finest detail to make sure that it all goes smoothly, and that you can enjoy your time together stress free.

• with her robots away for such a long time, Aura will be itching to modify the computers in the internet cafe to make them talking, moving or some other odd trait. This leads to many unsuspecting people having the shock of their life when the computer starts complimenting their fresh hairdo!

hey everyone! sorry for my slow update, i've been on a cruise for a while now, so it's been hard to get a strong signal. that's what inspired this chapter, clearly. because of the poor signal, i haven't been able to tend to the requests, but when i am able to see them, i will start writing them asap! thank you for your patience loves xx

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