Shooting Star

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Walking to the streets of New York, I gazed at the skies wishing there were more stars. I was walking home from my workplace at midnight after over time. Yes, again another unpaid over time, oh how I wish I can escape reality. I did not want to go back home straight, so I linger around at the nearby park alone. I just want to go as far as possible from the problems at home. My mom would always nag at me on why I did not find a better job etc. Ugh.

I continued star-gazing, even though there's only a few stars in the sky. Finding another star in the sky brings joy to my heart. I suddenly felt sleepiness but tried my best to shake it off. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a quick dash of light that resembles a shooting star flew through the sky. I jumped up in joy and quickly made a wish. 

I closed my eyes and held my hands together.

"I wish for peace happiness for everyone who deserves it, I hope that I'll be able to make my mother happy again." I wished sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Out of a sudden, I felt coldness creeping in from in front. I kept my eyes closed as I read prayers in my heart after saying out my wish. I heard footsteps coming. As I ended my prayer I felt cold hands cupping my hands slowly. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a pair of alluring emerald green eyes loving at me lovingly. I gasped in shock and tried to pull my hands away but got caught by the person's hands. As I panned out to see who it was, I noticed a tall man, in a black and green armour. The man looked at me with a charming smile, yet mischievous. 

"Hello my lady. You have your own problems, but yet you're taking the rare chance to wish for others." the man said smooth deep voice and chuckled (ehehehe). He made sure he does not lose eye contact.

I felt fear creeping in so I started to tear and panic. I saw the smile on his face turned into worry. I pushed him away with all my strength, took my bag and tried to run away. I could not escape as I was being pulled back with my right hand. 

"Oh dear, did I scare you? I did not mean that to happen." he said as he slowly pulled me closer to him. 

"Who are you and what do you want?! I will scream if you harm me." I exclaimed.

"No, ehehe I'm not here to harm a beautiful and kind midgardian like you." he explained tilting his head to one side.

Midgardian? What is he, some crazy norse mythology fan?! 

"Well then who are you?! Let me go!" I shouted and tugged at my hand in effort to escape. It seems like the more I struggled, he gets off from it. All efforts failed, he pulled me into his embrace and I could feel the coldness from his chest turn to warmth. I stared up at him intensely in shock. 

"Calm down darling." he said as he leaned down closer to my face. I suddenly found myself lost in his gaze and quickly looked down. He used his index finger and thumb to shift my head to turn back up to him. 

"I am Loki Laufeyson and you're now mine." he expressed as he caressed a side of my face. 

What have I gotten myself into.

A/N: Welcome to the first story! Sorry if it is not as good, but I'll do my best!

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