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Warnings: Sadness & Death.

I could tell he changed. From the day he had went to Jotunheim, he became different. I could sense his plans. So much had changed from then. Thor was banished from Asgard. I saw Loki turning blue right in front of my eyes. I was misunderstood. He thought that I thought of him as a monster, but no. Instead, I rushed to him immediately thinking that there was something wrong with him. Maybe his heart wasn't pumping enough blood in his body that had caused him to look sick. But it was just his original form- a Frost Giant.

I had loved him with all my heart. We were courting for years now. It hurts to see him like this. Just as he got to know his true origins, his intentions changed. He just wants to rule and have the power. This is so unlike him. I know this will hurt him, so I disagree with his plans.

Out of a sudden, the Allfather was put into the Odinsleep. As the Goddess of Healing, I had to make sure he is taken care of. God knows where in the nine realms Loki is. My heart felt uncertain of things. I could clearly sense something was not right.

During dinner, Loki had left the dining hall first. He had left me, without saying anything. I was upset how he had not shown much love to me since forever. I miss him. I miss my Loki.

I followed Mother to see the Allfather before I went back to my room.

"You have to take care of yourself my dear daughter.." Mother said as she sat down next to Allfather.

I just sighed and nodded in response. I felt sad looking at how she was just waiting for her loved one to wake up from his deep sleep. I just wished that the Allfather would wake up soon. Hoping he would somehow fix everything. Or just come back so that Mother wouldn't be in this misery for long.

Mother than opened up to me on what Loki had told her. The fact that he was told to be King since Thor was already banished from Asgard. His promise on how he would fix everything and bring Thor back.

It was all lies.

After a while, I had left Mother to head to my room. I had to ask Loki if there was anything wrong. I couldn't take it anymore. I was having anxiety every single day. No one was there to help. I just want him back.

I knocked the door before going in. I slowly opened the door.

"..Loki...?" I called out nervously.

I walked in to see him holding the Allfather's golden spear in his hand. He was overlooking Asgard through our large window.

"All of this will be mine. This will be ours my Queen." he said with a dark smirk on his lips.

Queen. I am never ready to be one.

"This is not rightfully yours Loki. You know that deep down in your heart. Why did you lie to Mother?" I said as I walked towards him.

"What do you mean?" he said as he turned towards me.

"You know what I mean. You can consider himself as King, but I wouldn't take what is not mine." I said harshly.

"Y-You wouldn't want to be my Queen? Be by my side as I reign over Asgard?" Loki stuttered as tears filled his eyes.

"I want to be by your side till my end of time. But this is not the right way my love.." I said.

Loki walked away, not wanting to listen to my words anymore. He refused to look at me.

"Loki please.. Why did you lie..? Why wouldn't you want to bring your Brother back home.. He is suffering down there!" I said as I threw my arms around.

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