I Will Protect You

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It only had just been 2 days that Loki had went down to Midgard, to save the Midgardians, along with the other Avengers and his brother; Thor.


"Father, where are you going?" our 3 year old son, Narfi, asked, running into his father's embrace.

"I am going to fight off the bad guys darling!" Loki said as he picked Narfi up in his arms.

"Are you going with Uncle Thor and other superheroes at Midgard? Are you meeting Uncle Tony?" Narfi kept asking with eagerness. He really loved to be with Tony because when we were at Midgard, Tony would show him his "toys" and even made him a mini Iron Man Suits that he called Narfi I and Narfi II. 

"Yes! And then we will all stop the bad guys like BOOM BOOM WHOOSH!" Loki said as he boxed Narfi playfully and made him fly like Superman. Narfi couldn't stop giggling when he did that. 

At this point in time, I was busy packing some baked goods that I had made with Thor's wife; Jane, earlier. And then, I went to pack some Asgardian dresses that I have made for Natasha, Pepper and Wanda, and also for Pepper and Tony's daughter.

"No father! Boom boom whoosh is what Uncle Stephen would do! Like this!" Narfi corrected his father and showed Stephen's classic fighting stance.

"Oh really?!" Loki asked as he started to throw Narfi to the bed and tickled him non-stop, disturbing me by causing the dresses I have folded to topple.

"Ehehehe stop it father!" Narfi exclaimed.

"Stop it you guys! You're making me have a hard time! You'll ruin the dresses!" I got annoyed and slapped Loki's arm, causing him to chuckle. It is tough sometimes to babysit two boys.

"Uh oh, Mother is angry......" Loki said as the both of them gave a mischievous smile at each other and then at me. Not noticing, I put the dresses aside. Suddenly Narfi jumped on my back, causing me to fall into the soft pillows, both of them started to attack me with tickles.

"Hahahaha! Stop it you guys!" I shouted, but they continued.

"Stop it!" I shouted again, trying act angry. They both stopped and looked guilty. I giggled and looked at them mischievously. Loki and I gave each other a signal and we both went on to attack our little one. 

"Hahaha.. alright alright, let's stop here. Thor must be waiting for you." I held Loki's hand gently to stop him. He chuckled as he carried our little one back in his arms and I went to get the things I have packed.  

"Father.. come home soon alright!" Narfi said as he tapped his father's chest.

"And don't get yourself hurt." I said as I pass the things to Loki and gave him a serious yet worried look.

"Ehehe, alright my darlings.." he chuckled and gave both of us a peck on the cheeks. He passed Narfi to me and we said our goodbyes as he left.


Everything was doing well; I had been informed by Heimdall that all was fine in Midgard, the battle had yet to start, and that they were still discussing on how to attack. He even said that they all enjoyed the food I made and the girls loved the dresses. 

How I wish that I can be there with them too. I had fought alongside them before as I am a warrior princess. But ever since we had Narfi, Loki did not allow me to continue, only until Narfi is older and ready to join as well. He once told me that he wouldn't want Narfi to grow up without his mother and that he himself can't bear to lose me at all. As much as I want to be right by Loki's side at all times, I agree to his words as well. I would not want to hurt our child. So meanwhile, I would teach Narfi some of Loki's tricks that I was taught by him.

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