I'll Never Let That Happen To You Again (Part 1)

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A/N: You are a maiden in Asgard. This occurred after the first Thor movie, but Loki did not let Thor's hand go.

It has been years since Loki and I have each professed our love to each other. When Loki found out he is a frost giant, getting punished on what he did to Thor, I stood by his side and made sure he was alright. No one knew that we were courting. 

It was the day that the royal family decided to celebrate Thor's becoming King of Asgard. Queen Frigga made sure this party was postponed so Loki could join too. I swear she is the best mother. She took care of me since I was younger and taught me ways. I became a maiden since I was a child because my parents had passed away due to one of the wars that I don't quite remember because Queen Frigga took that memory away from me to prevent me from hurting. When I grew older, she had asked if I wanted the memory back but I politely decline and she understood me. She took me in then, and made me as if I was her daughter. I would always be thankful for her and would want to be like her one day; kind and loving. 

I was busy piping bavarian cream onto the mini cakes that the head chef had made in the kitchen, as all the cooks were busy making other foods for tonight. Beside me was Astrid, my best friend who was helping me. I suddenly felt a tap on my left shoulder. I gasped and turned around. No one. Who was it? I tried to not to think about it too much to remove all the fear that it had caused. I went back to piping when the same tap occurred to my right shoulder. I turned around quickly and was shocked.

"BOO!" It was Loki. I jumped and dropped the cake I was holding. 

"Are you alright <Y/N>?" Astrid asked looking at Loki's back as though she is looking at me through him. I had to lean to my side to look at her. I was confused, what kind of spell did he do now? I looked around and no one seem to notice Loki. I looked at him back as I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. But somehow I enjoyed it, I guess it was cute so I smiled. Loki pointed towards outside with his head, signalling me to meet him outside so we can talk. Then we both looked at Astrid.

"Everything's alright, I just.. I don't feel quite well, is it alright if I were to go outside for a while for a breather?" I said.

"Oh dear, go ahead dear, but if you feel worse shout my name okay! Or.. or just ask for help instantly!" she said as she walked through Loki and held my arms. Loki stepped away, startled at Astrid's reaction. I quickly looked away so she wouldn't notice that I was lying. I felt bad that I had to do that to her, but no one can ever know that Loki and I are courting. It would be an offence for a great prince like him to have a mere maiden like me as his lover. I know that one day this will not last, but I could not help it because I would want to shower Loki with all the love that I have for now. I nodded and smiled and said my thanks as I left the kitchen with Loki.


As we approached the garden, I was still amazed at how abundant the flowers are in here. And since it's spring, there are so many cherry blossoms blooming as time goes by. We stopped at the swing that Loki had made for me. He held my hand and a green glow went over his body.

"I guess the magic went away?" I said to him and giggled as I sat down on the swing. I heard him chuckled with his smooth deep voice and when I looked up I saw the smile on his face. I am so thankful and happy to see him happy. When he is happy, I will be happy. I will do my best to light up his days. 

"Ehehe I guess so little smarty pants.." he said. 

"Haha.. hmm.. so what do you want my highness?" I sarcastically asked, knowing he would be annoyed if I were to call him by that. He gave the cutest frown and went in front of me and held my hands.

"I can't wait to see you tonight. I am sure that we both will be busy, but I will make sure to have you tonight by my side." he said as he tighten the grip on my hands. I couldn't help it but to giggle at him.

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