It's Too Late

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A/N: Just a warning. It'll contain angst and death.

It is madness. Everything is in chaos. I have never seen New York in this state. Well, I have fought before, but not with aliens- or what they call it the Chitauris. There were millions of them, against us- the Avengers. What breaks my heart is that the one who brought this mess here was the one who I love- Loki.

I had met Loki 5 years ago, when I was sent to Asgard to train with Thor and his friends- the Warriors Three and Lady Sif. I'm a mere mortal, who is also a mutant. I had healing and protective powers. But it is of no use, if I were not be able to fight to protect myself because I can only heal and protect others. And by doing so, I am also putting myself in danger. Think of it as a lifeline, just like in Jumanji. If I have 3 life bars, I give 1 to someone who's dying to live, I will only be left with 2. But this isn't Jumanji. I can heal and protect as much as I can, not knowing when I would actually lose myself.

Thus, the agent that had turned me into a mutant, had a connection with Asgard, and made sure I was sent there to be trained. Just after a year, Heimdall had sent me back to the earth, learning that my agent had been killed. By who and how did he died? I do not know. So I was picked up by Nick Fury, to join the Avengers. From there, I had trained with Natasha.

When I was in Asgard, there were days that I had trained, and Loki was there too. As I spent my time with him, I find him to be loving and kind, learning about his life too. Something about him made me fell in love. I want to give him love. He also felt the same way. We both exchanged our love for each other. There would be days where Loki made his way to Midgard secretly to meet me. But it had suddenly stopped for 1 to 2 years. But I am sure he has his reasons why. Which is why I waited patiently for him.

I'm always thankful to have him, only to lose him to this. I know this is not him. It is not the Loki I knew. I do recall him saying that he wanted to be a king. But this is not the way. I have confronted him back in the ship, but it did not work. Instead, he spit painful words to hurt my heart.

It had been an hour, we had been doing our best to fight and save as many people we could. Steve had left me at probably the best area for me to attack, at the road, which is now full with rubbles. Just close enough to a building so I would be able to seek shelter if I were to ever lose my energy. I did my best to kill every single Chitauri that was in my way.

"Doing well my lady.." the familiar mischievous voice came through all the mess. I looked up as I continued to fight. I saw Loki walking calmly in between the Chitauris. They did not attack him, because they know he is their leader.

Anger and sadness rushed through my veins, causing tears to form. I couldn't believe he would do this especially to me, after all the love he had given me.

"Loki stop this madness!" I shouted, accidentally causing a wave of energy field to come out. A radius of Chitauris fell on the floor, dead. The only one not affected is Loki, because somehow my powers will never cause hurt to those I love. I glared at Loki, full of pain. Another round of Chitauris were about to attack.

"MADNESS?!" Loki shouted back, causing an energy force to block the Chitauris away from us.

"Yes madness! Stop this! This is not you! This is not the way to become a king! Please.. please come back.." I shouted, only to lose my anger to beg him.

"Ehehehe.. Sentiment. Darling, my love, my lady, nothing will ever stop me now. I will NEVER stop!" he said back.

I can't take it any longer. It felt like as if I'm talking to someone else, and not Loki. I ran towards him to attack him. My heart says no but I had to make him fall, to make this stop. I continuously tried to attacked him as he tried to stab me, only to leave wounds on me and bruises on him. Sentiment played with my mind, disturbing me. I lose focus, ending up in Loki choking my neck, pushing me harshly towards a wall, choking just enough for me to suffer, but not to die.

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