It's Trick, It's Just A Magic Trick

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A/N: Got inspired by what Sherlock said to John before he jumped off the building as he faked his death.

Trigger - Loki's fake death in Thor : The Dark World.


I paused in my steps as I tried to process what had just happened, looking down at the pristine floor.

"Trust me." Thor said as he went over and held my hand.

I could feel his reassurance in his strong grip. I looked up wearily with glistening eyes, meeting Thor's. I could see sincerity. I have to trust our future king. I nodded my head causing Thor to give a sad smile as he led me with my hand in his, still trying to process my thoughts.

Just a moment ago we had sent of Queen Frigga to the skies. And just a moment before we were attacked. Everything was fine, why must this happen? I know I should not think this way, and I know it is never her fault; but why must Jane come over to bring the mess?

As I traced my heavy steps behind Thor, I started to tear up, and became slightly reluctant to meet the person we're looking for - Loki.

I know, and I could feel his pain right now.

We were taught magic together since we were younger.


I was born a witch, with unknown magical powers. Not knowing what are all my powers, I used them to heal Asgardians, and any other living things. I got captured by witches who were practicing black magic, until I was saved by the Queen herself. One day, I understood what was the other reason Queen Frigga had kept me. It was to save her second son; Loki.

There was a point in time where Loki's frost giant blood took the best of him. As much as he controlled it, it physically hurts him for him to change back to his Asgardian form. He went into hiding in the forests, and I followed. He became violent, causing him to stab his heart, almost losing his life because of all the blood he was losing. With the knowledge I had learnt, I cut my hand with Loki's dagger and placed it on his wound. With magic, I healed him and brought him back. Thankfully he survived and his frost giant side could be controlled better. Since then, he has my blood coursing through his veins, making us even closer. It made it easier for me to heal him as well as control his frost giant side from appearing when not wanted.


Having said that, I am also able to feel him too. I can sense that he is mourning. He does know that his Mother had passed on. All I want to do now is to hug him. But I do not want to bring him along to follow Thor's plans, I do not want him to get hurt further in any possible way.

Upon arriving at the prison, Thor had asked me to wait for him. I waited as I observed Loki from a far. It was all illusions. I could see it. I could see him sitting at the back of the room, disheveled. I could feel his pain.

Right after the 2 brothers made an exchange, I went up to both of them as Thor had signalled me to follow him into the cell. Loki looked a little surprised, looking away from me trying to cover himself.

"Why are you here?" Loki asked with a sigh as he stood up.

"I have asked Lady <Y/N> for help as well." Thor explained on my behalf. Loki looked at him in disagreement.

"Stop trying to hide, especially from me. You know I can feel you." I said as I approached him, reaching a hand out to hold his shoulder. He reluctantly shoved my hand away, but he couldn't. He turned back to face me, with tears already rolling down his face. He tried his best to hide his sadness, as he gave me a shaky smile.

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