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Just another day in the new Avengers tower. Glad that we now have a home for ourselves, closer to each other. Glad that I don't have to be called a freak and get chased out by the landlord again.

I have powers, superpowers if you may call it. I can create energy forces; to protect or attack. Sometimes, it'll come out according to my mood. And especially when I am angry, it can cause things to break. There were a few incidences where I ruined the place that I rented out like creating holes in walls. But I'm glad that S.H.I.E.L.D. found me and took me in. I know how to control it but not well enough to prevent such things to happen. So when I went into S.H.I.E.L.D., they helped to train me.

It has been years since the Avengers have got together to win the attack in New York. So much has changed, including the fact that Asgard was destroyed due to Ragnarok, so the Odinsons had to live with us while the new Asgard is being built, somewhere in the space. With the help of Tony, they built a better ship so that the Asgardians can live in while waiting for their new home to be ready. Once in a while Thor and Loki would visit the ship, to see how it is going there. Meanwhile, the Grandmaster, Korg and Valkyrie would keep a look out.

Since Ragnarok, the Avengers have been gaining more acceptance for Loki. But they do get suspicions often. Well, he is the God of Mischief and Lies. You would not know when he would act up because it would be anytime. Well, sorry to say this but, I do have suspicions too. But not as bad as theirs. Why you may I ask; to be honest, I am not sure why.. Maybe we will find out?

          "STOP BEING A WHINY ASS!" Tony's voice interrupted my recalling of memories. I was just lying down on my bed looking at the beautiful skies which are filled with gorgeous cotton candy-like clouds. 

Must be Tony and Steve fighting again. It's really annoying because I would always be the middle person every single time they fight. And it would occur on a monthly basis. Each month, there would be always at least one time that they quarrel. It's so constant that I can mark in a calendar which date would be their quarrel anniversary, in which I would have to prepare myself for the war again. The rest of the Avengers would just ignore them, because they're too tired of their dramatic asses. But sometimes, Thor do try to help but his kind heart does not allow him to tell Tony or Steve off.

Because of this, I get super stressed out. It's because we really need to keep peace around, so that if anything happens (*touches wood*), we have to work together. Wouldn't want another Civil War to start again.

And yes, I dragged myself out of bed to go down and settle this issue.

         "I guess the judge is out again." I looked up to who it was. I already knew who it was due to the voice. It was Loki, giving me a smirk.

Realising how I was all alone in this, it made me so emotionally frustrated that tears started to fill up my eyes as I frowned at him. Why wouldn't anyone else help? After all we're a team.

Loki's smirk turned sullen, realising that what he had said was oblivious and had hurt me. Before he would even approach me, I quickly gave out a sigh and walked past him to go down the stairs. I wiped my tears hastily.  Loki was left hanging, with his mouth gaped from not being able to say his apology.

          "WHEN WILL YOU EVER GROW UP?!!" Steve yelled across the room, almost breaking the cup made out of glass in his hands.

          "What is going on?" I asked in a calm tone, taking the cup away from Steve and putting it on a safe place.

          "ASK THAT OLD ASS IF YOU WANNA KNOW THE STORY." Tony replied, in a raised voice.

          "LANGUAGE!" Steve shouted. I closed my eyes and sighed at this stupid situation.

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