The most beautiful news (Pregnant Reader) - PART TWO

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[Third Person's POV]

Strange hurriedly ran over to <Y/N> that is now unconscious and lying in his cloak of levitation. He held her face gently to see what is wrong.

Is it what I feel like it is? - Strange thought.

"Friday, please get Tony." Strange ordered Friday, the artificial intelligence Tony had made.

"Yes Dr Stephen Strange." Friday replied.

--> time skip to you being examined by a doctor in the clinic Tony had specially made for the Avengers <--
"What happened to her?" Tony asked.

"I don't know.." Strange lied, he actually had a guess on what had happened to <Y/N>.

They both stood outside of the room, anxiously waiting for <Y/N>.

[Your POV]
I woke up with my vision still blurred. It slowly went off as I blinked a few times. Where am I? I looked down and saw that I'm hooked onto something. I saw nurses and a doctor nearby on the right side of the room. I tried to get up but couldn't due to my weakness. The doctor came over with a file in hand.

"Hello <Y/N>. I am Dr Fiona." the doctor introduced with a smile.

"Uh, where am I?" I asked, still feeling groggy.

"Don't worry dear, you passed out earlier so you're now in good hands." she explained.

"What happened? Am I okay?" I asked hurriedly. I hope that there's nothing wrong because I do not want to worry Loki.

"Don't worry, I have a news to let you know." she said with an excited smile and held my hands in hers.

I sat there anxiously, full of worries.

"Congratulations my dear! You're 5 weeks pregnant."   she explained.

My heart dropped. I don't know what I'm feeling. I am happy yet worried for what's to come, but mostly happy because I have always wanted my own child to complete my happy family with Loki. But what would Loki say? I shrugged the thoughts out of my mind.

"Thank you Dr." I replied, my body language showed that I wanted to be alone. Dr Fiona left the room.

"She's alright, just that she needs a lot of rest." I heard Dr Fiona said. Who's outside?

"Thank you Dr." I heard voices of two men outside.
I didn't know what to do and ignored the voices. I held my tummy area with love and continued to lie down in bed. Knowing I had to do something, I used all my strength to get out of the room hanging onto the IV drip stand. Once I opened the door I saw Tony and Stephen looking at me expectantly.

"Are you okay?!" "How are you feeling?" both of them asked right at the same time, both trying to get hold of me as I almost fell. I felt so weak, I guess I hadn't eat for the whole day. I can't handle with their childishness. It has been years that both of them would fight to try to handle my life like as if they're my parents. I've lost my parents right when I was younger, so I'm really thankful that they're always there for me but you know, it'll get annoying at times. They both glared at each other.

"Uh.. guys.." I said being stucked in the middle of both of them. Tony shoved Stephen aside. Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Is everything alright <Y/N> dear? You need some energy, let's go I'll cook for you." Stephen said.

"Where's Loki? Is he homed yet?" I asked both of them with tears welling up in my eyes. I miss him so much I just want him to be by my side right now. Both Tony and Stephen looked at each other confused.

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