The Sceptre

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It has just been 3 months since Loki had returned back to Asgard. As his wife, my heart was relieved, after that whole time of mourning, thinking my love had died. 

There were some odd things that I had realised of him, but the most odd was the physical thing that he had brought home; a sceptre. He had placed it carefully on his studying table and warned me not to touch it multiple times. But being a curious one, I couldn't help it. Once, Loki had to lock our bedroom and made us sleep somewhere else, to punish me for almost touching it.

This morning is a special morning, it marks the 6th week of my pregnancy, meaning we would be able to hear our little one's heartbeat soon! 

After I had gotten ready for the day, I sat down at the edge of the bed while I patiently waited for Loki to put on his armour. I looked at him, mesmerised, hoping that he will never ever leave ever again.

He looked back at me and noticed that I had been staring at him with my loving eyes. He let out a chuckle as he quickly fastened his armours on and approached me.

"I'll be back really soon my loves." he said as he held my cheek lovingly and then kneeled down to our growing baby.

"Take care of your Mother, soon we will go and let the healers check on you, our little one." he said as he rubbed my tummy gently. I giggled as he stood up and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

As he walked towards the door, I followed him behind.

"No, for today you stay here and rest my love. It would be dangerous for you and the baby. Later Mother will come by to bring you to the gardens." he told me as he held my hand.

"No, I want to follow.." I said but it did not work as Loki shook his head.

"Hmm.. is it okay for me to walk you to the training grounds then.." I begged as I went closer to him. He reluctantly nodded his head as he pulled my arm into his as we walked together. 

"Yay!" I exclaimed as I skipped in joy.

"Careful now." Loki said as he held our growing child. I laughed as I leaned my head on his arm.

Once we have reached the training grounds, I could see Thor with his friends.

"Lady <Y/N>!" Thor shouted with his loud voice as he waved his arms to me.

"Hello everyone!" I replied as I looked up to my now annoyed-looking husband.

"You look glowing!" Lady Sif said. 

"You know, if you have a son, I'll help you train him to be strong as his Uncle Thor!" Thor said as the rest of us laughed, but not Loki.

"None of your business." Loki said as he held me even tighter.

"Now Lady <Y/N>, it might be a little dangerous for you and the little one, do get some rest back in your room." Thor said.

"I'll bring you back, you go ahead Loki." Lady Sif said as she approached us.

"It's okay. We don't need your help." Loki said with a hint of sarcasm. Ever since he had gotten back, he could be a bit off at times.

"It's alright, Sif, I can manage. Thank you so much. I'm sure that is what he meant too." I said as I pushed Loki aside. 

"Take care and behave. We'll see each other soon love." I said as I stroked his cheek and bid goodbye to the rest. 


"Thank you Mother." I said as I gave a hug to Queen Frigga.

"Take care my darling." she said as she gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. After seeing her off, I closed the doors and put the assortment of flowers we had picked earlier into a vas. After that, I went to wash up and went on to read a book on the bed.

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