Chapter Seven

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     I left the prison ward with a whole other, different feeling. It was hard to explain.

    I felt like the main feeing was hope. The feeling that I would get out of here after ten years of the physical and mental abuse excited me. But then there's the other emotion that I'm feeling.


  If Sir found out I was trying to escape, he would make sure I didn't come out alive. Or he'd leave me barely breathing. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like after the experience I could have if he found out. And I hate to say that it could be worse than what life is like right now.

I've already agreed to help Adrian. He promised me he would get me out of here, but promised don't sit well with me. No one has ever proved to me that they stand by them. It's a ridiculous thing to say or just more of an excuse to say when you want something to go your way. And nothing ever goes my way.

I went back to the main part of the house to do my usual cleanings around the house. The girls my age were all in the entertainment room enjoying their almost every weekend sleepover. I was in the back organizing the movies in alphabetical order as required. But I wasn't complaining. This was the closest I've come to a sleepover and was always curious to see what it would be like.

I usually kept my distance, just watched from afar like some creepy stalker. They all seemed so happy together but I knew how mean they were. How mean they were to me. That's part of the reason I didn't get too close. They would want to mess with me, bully me, tell me all the reasons why a guy wouldn't like me, why I don't have any friends.

But Adrian said you were beautiful.

Why does his opinion even matter. He could be lying, just like anyone else right?

He calls you love..

That's clearly a nickname. People use it all the time— it doesn't mean anything. He just likes to use it and I'm probably not even the only one he has called that.

But the way he says it.

Stop Kayla. You're overthinking it. He's playing me, he just wants to leave and I apparently play a big part in it— by spending more time with him? I'm supposed to understand completely according to him also.

In a way, no matter the circumstances, it felt nice to be needed or important. A small part of it was telling me that I meant something. It felt great.

"Yeah, I've heard that the prisoner we have is Adrian Knight." One of the girls said, she has my attention.

"How did we get him? Isn't he supposed to be the strongest al-"

"I don't care he's probably the hottest guy I've ever laid my eyes on." Another ones said. You could literally tell how much they were fangirling over him. Apparently he's well known.

"I heard that he still hasn't found his mate yet. Sucks that he's prisoner here. Maybe alpha will let us play with him.."

Sometimes I think these girls were hornier than the males were. It doesn't surprise me though that they're saying this. They like to be with the other males, sometimes sneaking out of their rooms naked or barely clothed. It made me sick.

But there's that word again. Mate.

It gave me a tingly feeling just thinking of it. Maybe it's the anticipation of not knowing, but it goes with an excited feeling. I'm determined to figure it out.

The girls all started laughing and making more sexual jokes when one of them noticed me and called me out.

"Hey Kaitlyn don't you give him his food? He still looks good right?" This girl said it as if she was testing me and that if it would be the worst to say the wrong thing.

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