Chapter Eleven

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       She looked broken. So heartbroken.

    Her eyes were pleading with me not to leave. It was so easy to see that. It's like she didn't think I was truly going to come back, but I'm trying hard for her to trust me. That's my main goal, up to this point and to keep her safe from that retched pack. When I return to mine, all hell will break loose. I'm going to kill that god awful alpha that dared laid a hand on my mate. My mate.

   The words kept replaying in my mind while I was running through the dense forest, recovering from its rain. Fall getting ready to start its course. My mate. Ive been wondering when I'd find her. Find Kayla. While it could've been under better circumstances, it's the best feeling that Ive had in a while, and now it'll best feeling I'll have ever.

    I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. Being categorized as the alpha that gets anything he wants, women included. It wasn't the best title to have. And I'm sure it would catch up with me when we get back. To prove that she can rely on me for anything is a big part to earn her trust.  She's a main priority now and that will never change. And then, when the time is right, when we have children. If it's not already showing, I'm pretty whipped for this girl. My love.

  I don't miss the way she blushes every time I call her that. Her reaction is so cute and if I could, I would kiss her senseless until she begs me to stop. But there's that one problem. The fact that she doesn't know what I am to her. Her lack of energy and senses show that she hasn't shifted yet and I know she is passed the age of 15. The lack of knowledge she has on the subject of mates shows that she has been sheltered, not going to school when she was supposed too. But yet, she still seems smart about certain things. I'll have to ask her of how much she knows educational wise. Maybe when we get back, school could be an option, depending on how old she is. Another question is I'd have to ask her.

  When everything blows over, she'll know she's my mate; explaining it to her. I cant imagine what her poor mind is going through. Still not knowing how long she's been there is bothering me. She's been effected mentally and physically clearly. There's no denying that. Revealing that all of a sudden you have a mate and then having to explain it all would make me confused and scared too. Everything will be explained with time. I'm positive.

   After running for about 30 minutes, the car dealership I distantly remember came into view across the road. Crossing it, there were barely any cars out today. Most probably being at work.

  Already knowing what I would want, I walked through the doors. "Hello, how can I help you today-," the middle aged man greeted but his words stopped shortly after seeing who I was. "A-alpha Adrian, you're alive? People have been thinking you've been killed." He exclaimed looking quite as shocked me. People thought I was dead? It couldn't have been that hard to tell that I was dragged out of my packs forest, and drugged. The evidence of it all should've been there, but then again, someone made sure to clean up their tracks.

   "Its very difficult to kill me. You should have more faith than that," I remarked. It wasn't a lie. If I wasn't blackmailed or drugged before, I could've taken those guys, they played smart but I know they didn't act alone. That pack is stupid. They're guards we even more. I was locked up and they were still intimidated by me, not wanting to get close to the bars. Which in result, sent me my beautiful Kayla. "Sadly there's a traitor in my pack that doesn't know what's heading for them. Whoever it was drugged me before my daily patrol, causing the idiots who took me to make their job very easier." Leaning against the desk, I looked around for the SUV that would be enough for Kayla to spread out in and have the room she deserves. "Of course sir. I'll make sure to let my pack know of my encounter with you," the frail man said nervously— shaking, "D-did you need a car?"

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