Chapter Nineteen

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         It was around 1 in the morning when I woke up to the sound of easy rain outside the window.

The room was dimly lit with a lamp on the bedside table and another one in the corner of the room. Adrian was sound asleep next to me in the chair, his head resting on the head rest of the chair. The chair was facing me, as if he's been watching me. But in a "make sure you're okay way." His mouth was slightly open, just the slightest, with a soft snore breathing in and out of his lips.

I sat up in bed, careful not to move to much to wake him up. I've been asleep for so long that I couldn't really go back to sleep, so I'd figure that I'd go watch the rain.

I slowly pulled the comforter off of me, the cooler air hitting my legs causing goosebumps. My feet gently hit the floor before i made it over to the balcony window. I sat down bringing while bringing my legs to my chest.

      Whenever I was in my old room, I would always look at the rain. The way the water droplets smoothly went down the glass. I had an envy for them. The smooth course they had until they met another raindrop where the joined, and soon dispersed at the end of the window pane together. It made me want to have a smooth, easy course of life while meeting people along the way and sticking with them until the end. Perhaps this was my new smooth course on life and meeting Adrian was the one that would lead me along the way.

  To the end.

The rain soon turned into a thunderstorm. Lightning was lighting up the sky while thunder clapped into the distance. The rain falling harder.

   I guess the thunderstorm shows the hardships the raindrop goes through before it reaches the ground. And there are a lot of them out there.

   It made me feel less alone, that thought, whenever I was in my old room with nothing but myself. But just when I thought i was by myself, I never truly was.

One late night, I was in my room, content with everything that I've done that day. I was sitting in a chair by my window in the attic, watching the rain from a thunderstorm that caused everyone to stay inside.

I thought the storms were beautiful.

Sir was having one of his drinking nights with his friends. How anyone could like him I still don't know.

They were getting louder and their muffled voices were sounding slurred, Sirs being the loudest one. I noticed that it started getting even louder and heard his footsteps growing.

Is he coming up here to see me? I guess he could be seeing Liam.

Suddenly the door bursted open and a very drunk Sir stood in the door way, breathing heavily with his fists clenched.

"Kayla!!" His voice boomed throughout the addict.

I flinched, already terrified about what was about to happen. Anything that was about to happen isn't going to be good.

"Y-y-yes s-sir?"

"How come you're not down there opening up some more drinks? I shouldn't have to do everything myself," he carried on, stepping a little bit further into the room.

I was standing up now, afraid he would say I'm being disrespectful by still sitting.

"I wasn't aware Sir I'm sorry," I said shakily. I was looking directly at my feet. I was so scared.

"Look at me!" He screamed, stumbling into the wall, "I shouldn't have to tell you, you should just know! Who do you think you are?!"

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