Chapter Nine

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I set Sirs plate down, serving him his brunch since he woke up later today. It wasn't a big deal for me since that meant I got to get a few more of my chores in. Today was the big day, well it would be in a few more hours, that everything would happen. Nothing could be suspicious, that's why I carried on normal.

I watched from the corner as Sir ate his food, just thinking that this could be the last time I'm in this position. Making his food, while I was wondering when my next meal would be while he just sat there and ate like a king. Taking orders from him all the time, doing things he wants. It could all go away after tonight. And the thought was thrilling.

Liam didn't come down. I didn't know where he was, but I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to be with his father. Over the past few days, I've heard Sir talk to Liam about marrying  into another pack to make our pack even stronger.

   In my opinion, it wasn't that strong in the first place.

  They ambushed my first pack,where I'm originally from, and succeeded because it was very unexpected and it was small. We weren't big. There was only a select few of us. But I miss it more than words can describe.

  Sir grunted and scooted back his chair making a screeching sound that hurt my ears.  He left his plate on the table for me to pick up and walked out of the room. The whole time I never looked up to look at him, cause if I did then he could interpret it in the wrong way. Thinking I was trying to defy him in some way.

  Washing dishes, the door opened again and some of the teenager/jock boys came in, pushing each other and joking around. Of course they would notice me.

  "Looks like little miss maid decided to make an appearance," one of the said looking me up and down.

  I didn't look at him and continued to wash the dishes.

   They all started laughing and then one of them came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He started touching my waist, slowly going up to the breast area. I started squirming trying to get out of his hold. I didn't want this. This wasn't supposed to happen.

  "Looks like she's putting up a fight dude," another one said still laughing with the others.

  "Yeah, she thinks she could hur- OW WHAT THE FU-,"

  He couldn't finish either of those sentences cause I kicked him in his balls first from behind me and then turned to do it yes, another time.

  It was amazing how sensitive it was for a guy down there, good or bad.

  I tried to run out of the kitchen when I heard a groaned out 'get her' and another guys hand on my wrist.

  He twisted it and pulled it which hurt a lot, don't get me wrong but I ended up punching him in the nose with the same hand and kept running.

  Seeing the glorious sight of the attic door, I rushed in, locked the door, and leaned against it with heavy breaths. That was the fastest I've ran in so long that it took a major toll on me. I took slow steps to my makeshift bed, my vision fading in and out due to lack of water and food I'm guessing, and I fell down on my knees.

   The last thing I remember was loud pounding on my door.


My alarm went off at one in the morning.

I must've slept for at least twelve hours and I'm also still very much alive. I haven't done any of my chores to hide the suspicion and Sir hasn't broke down my door to beat me.

My hand and wrist hurt a lot. Punching that guy right after he twisted my wrist took a lot out of me. But I couldn't let anything stop me from doing what I was supposed to do.

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