Chapter Twenty

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     For the past week, our routine was mostly like the ones before. Adrian making breakfast or going out to get some, saying he'll be right back, so that I wouldn't really have to deal with his pack members until Im ready.

     During this week, it occurred to me more that i'm a mate to an Alpha. Like how my mom was to my dad. It means Ill be a luna to this pack one day, and it was becoming unsettling. I'm not strong enough. I'm weak. And I know they know that.

    I mean look at me, I can't even talk to them, much be a leader.

   I thought i was going to be strong. Any child of and alpha line should be. But for some reason I'm the different one. Or that's what Sir told me when i was younger. I started to not believe him, but it was hard when the evidence is right in front of you.

Adrian was downstairs, cooking breakfast as usual. It was different again for me not to be the one making everyone breakfast. It felt relaxing, and I could get used to the changes that were slowly seeping into my life. No matter how small they were, they seemed to have a great affect on me.

     The smell of sausage was starting to get stronger and my mouth was starting to water. I grew tired of waiting. My appetite was slowly starting to build, and it showed immensely.

      So with saying that, pulling the covers from over me, I headed out of my room, getting closer and closer to the smell. I heard music being played through speakers. It wasn't loud but loud enough to occupy your time.

      Once I went down the stairs, I peeked around the corner into the kitchen to see a shirtless Adrian, in black sweatpants that said Nike on the side. There was a speaker sitting on the counter that lit up to his music and from what I could tell, he was dancing— just a little bit.

His muscles flexed with every slight jerk and transition he made from the counter to the stove and all the way to the fridge. Basically I was being a stalker from the corner, still surprised he hasn't seen me yet.

Adrian stopped midway when opening the fridge again, "You aren't going to join me?" My breath caught in my throat. He knew I was standing here the whole time and chose not to say anything. He probably thought I really was a stalker.

       "The food smelt to good," I replied back, "I was wondering what was taking so long." I mumbled that last part.

    "You know what, Im just going to accept that as a compliment," He closed the fridge, his hands holding a package of bacon.  "But you still haven't answered my question," he continued.

       I looked at the stovetop and saw he had yet to make any eggs. Another thing I saw was that he already made pancakes, the sausages were done, and now he was about to make some bacon. It's like we were feeding a whole family.

    "We already have enough food," I told him, being my arms to my shoulders, "Wait, are there more people coming?"

     He put the first slice of bacon onto the pan. The room filled with the sizzle, "Nope. It's just us. And there's no such thing as to much food sweetheart." Facing towards me, he crossed his arms and leaned against the countertop, casually glancing at the slices of bacon he added.

    "But it's still a lot."

   "Am I not allowed to spoil you?"

   The music mingled through the air. I didn't have a smart remark for that. If he wanted to make this much, then he could go ahead. I couldn't stop him.

   Breaking out of the moment, he finished cooking the bacon and laid them next to the sausage. My mouth just watered watching the process.

     "I wish you would stare at me like that," Adrian chuckled glancing over at me. He put the pan in the sink only to rinse it out and put it back on the stove.

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