Chapter Twenty Three

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The next day emerged and Adrian and I were both in a car going somewhere. It's somewhere because I have no idea, that is, where we are going.

When I woke up this morning, more like the afternoon, Adrian said he had a surprise for me. He told me to shower and he would get me some clothes to change into. For the past few weeks that I've been living there, I have supported nothing but his sweatpants or boxers, that barely fit me, and big T-shirt's. Sometimes I would just wear his t-shirt's.

Around 2, I was finished getting ready, with his help. Then he led me to the garage where he had more cars than I thought. When we pulled up last time I didn't see any, just the SUV we were in. He chose one of his other cars.

So here we are now. And I'm becoming impatient.

"Can you please tell me?" I asked with a whine.

"Love, it's a surprise. I'll just say that you're going to really appreciate it." Adrian was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear shift. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that he rolled up to his elbows and had dark blue jeans on. He had a jacket laying on the console in between us for the cold weather that is approaching quickly. It's a lot colder than what it was when we escaped.

Meanwhile I'm wearing some black sweatpants he owns and a long sleeve t-shirt. My wardrobe hasn't changed as you can tell.

I also had a jacket. It smelled like him so I'm not surprised that he owns it too.

"The suspense is killing me."

He chuckled, "The suspense will be over soon."

    I huffed in agitation. I used to always somewhat now what someone's "surprise" was for me. It wasn't hard for me to figure out. But this time he is always one step ahead of me. I have literally no clue.  

    "You're so hard to understand," I voiced out what I was thinking.

   "Not any more harder than you," was his curt reply. He had me there.

    Adrian turned into a street that led to a big parking lot filled with so many cars. There were children holding their parents hands, teens enjoying their time with their friends, and couples enjoying each other. The building was huge and very live and busy. It hit me that we were at the mall. A big one.

   Adrian parked in one of the spots furthest away from the mall and the busy-ness. He cut the ignition off and blew out a breath.

   "So this is your surprise. I thought that we could spend the day together with buying you some new clothes and just getting a look around. If it's to much for you, we can do it another day." He looked very on edge explaining this to me. I know that he wants to help in any way that he can and I appreciate that so much about him.  And I know that he is really trying so why shouldn't I try also?

   I smiled at him and reached my hand unintentionally to hold his. The sparks happened again and it is still as strong as ever. Maybe even better now. Seeing this, he held my hand back and squeezed tightly.

    "It's fine Adrian. I'm looking forward to wearing something else other than your clothes," I laughed, trying to lighten everything up. And it is true it would be nice to see what style I look in the best other than what I've been wearing over the years. Big T-shirt's and boy clothes.

    "My clothes definitely don't look bad on you though, sweetheart," he replied, pulling me in closer. I started to blush and tried pulling my hand away from him so I could get away from him before I got even more red. He laughed.

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