Chapter 19

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I was unimaginably tired from my day and how horrid Yvonne was to me but sometimes there is always someone out there looking out for you and trying to make you smile. I took up the piece of paper, he placed it strategically so I'd see it; after today this is what I needed to come home to.

To Nylah,

I know you know who this is from, and you may think this is weird or strange but I know you had to rush off to work today so I didn't get to talk to you, and some things shouldn't be sent in a message. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your company, I was quite nervous about meeting you. I was so busy focused on working I never stopped to notice any women which sounds quite strange but its true. The 2 days I spent with you made me think damn I'm really missing out, and the fact I'm going back today makes me feel like I've missed my moment with you. But if it's meant to be I bet we'll find our way back to each other, by the time you read this I'll be long gone. Try not to miss your moment like I did with you.


He should take girls out more often because the man knew how to work his words, I had so many different thoughts floating through my head as I leaned against the counter with the paper in my hand. I was starting to believe what my mother said about us being cursed or something. This was quite ridiculous, well not us since Jeremiah and Janae seemed pretty good to me. After the day I had, I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't because I was moving into the staff quarters tomorrow and I had to go collect Lucy and Tea and do a bit of shopping for them. I wasn't moving out completely just in case I got tired of being at 'Mr.ControlFreak's house.

I dragged my body from slumped on the counter and into the bedroom, pulling my suitcase from under the bed. I just pulled my clothing from the hangers in my closet and tossed them in, threw some shoes into a plastic bag and grabbed my personal products and put them in a separate bag. I put everything by the door and headed to the shower, but clearly, I didn't get to the shower because the next thing I remember was waking up at the annoying beeping of my alarm.

I got ready for another dreadful day, I really don't know what they had to hide about him, or was it just Yvonne trying to be protective because he lost his parents? I didn't know it was just all too strange for me. I made a quick egg salad with the groceries Adam bought me, grabbed my stuff to leave. As I was locking the door, I saw Kenneth in the distance coming my way. 

Kenneth was my landlord and a major pervert, after being there a few months he told me if I was ever unable to pay my rent I could always pay him in "goods" and the man wasn't talking about no milk and eggs. I felt like throwing up every time I saw him and my eyes were always rolling when he spoke to me. The overweight man approached me licking his lips, there wasn't even a reason to. I wore a simple grey dress, nothing fancy at all, I could smell the alcohol emanating from him,

"Good morning Nylah baby" he grinned with a little slur,

"Good morning" I bite out sharply,

"Why so angry sweetie? You need something to curb that attitude of yours" he tried to touch my hand and I swatted it away,

"If you want to keep that or that" I gestured to his hand, and then his penis "you'd keep your hands off of me" I glared at him, I was getting tired of his passes, it was completely disgusting. The thing that made it worst was there were women in this building who actually had sex with this pompous bastard,

"I like 'em feisty, the feisty ones are the screamers" he took a step closer to me, I kneed him in the balls, he groaned in pain keeping his balance on the wall. I grabbed the suitcase's handle and ran before he could regain his composure, "You got away this time! But it won't happen again!" he shouted behind me. Some men just didn't know the meaning of "No", there was just too many things women had to deal with to also have to deal with men who don't know a little thing called consent.

After the episode with Kenneth, I left there quickly, I got to the house at 8 since I got up extra early. As expected Yvonne was in the kitchen, there was a tray filled with different elements of breakfast, toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, a bowl of berries, juice, and tea. What was she feeding? A whale? There was no way all of this food was for one person, I was so shocked I didn't even realize I was staring,

"You don't have any manners? When you come in a room you speak!" she barked, this woman didn't know what she was dealing with, I already had her sprawled across the floor and screaming for help in my mind. My mother raised me better than that so I just smiled,

"Good morning Yvonne, lovely morning isn't it?" she was taken aback at my cheery disposition,

"Good morning, just making Nicholas some breakfast and I'll be out of your hair." She mumbled,

"Isn't that a lot of food?" I asked from the door with my things,

"Your job is to clean? do not concern yourself with matters above your pay grade" she replied walking away with the tray, I was actually speechless; Yvonne 1 – Nylah 0. I just took my things to my new home, still recovering from her comment. At the door, there were linens I struggled with everything as I shuffled to the 2nd room since I never took the first just in case there was a problem.

I took the time I had to make the room mine, making the bed putting up my curtains, the ones they gave me were a little too drab and dull. The room looked nice enough before I tossed my phone on the bed and got to work.

Yvonne left the entire kitchen dirty, she came through the door with her bag slung over her shoulder,

"I will be out during the day for the rest of the week. I'll return to make his meals when he's finished he'll put the tray outside his door, you'll get it. Have a nice day" she walked past me as she spat her demands. At least I didn't have her there to bother me so I could actually work well.

I worked quickly getting the kitchen in a spotless state, I looked around as everything gleamed, I even scrubbed the tiles. When I finished I heard an echo throughout the house like a door closing, I guess the prince was finished with his food and that was my queue to go get it. My assumption was correct, the tray was on the floor outside his wing with a note, 'Thank you. Good job in the kitchen'. I smiled for a moment, then the fact he was watching me the entire time was a bit creepy. My face crinkled into an awful expression laced with pure disgust, it receded with another note, he slid it under the door, this one read 'No I wasn't watching you'. I actually laughed, this was so stupid, a grown man was hiding from me behind a door. I pictured him to be a feeble man but he had to be quite capable if he was fondling his clients and making passionate love.

I could see his shadow under the door, well I decided to force his hand,

"Have a good day Nicholas" I said waiting on a reply, he seemed to be between minds if to answer, then I heard a muffled reply,

"You too Nylah"

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