Chapter Two: Meeting My Nightmare

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When I arrived at the basement, I quickly started Rose's Lambourgini and headed to the lobby.

"What took you so long?! I've been waiting for centuries!" complained Rose.

"Yeah, right.. It's your own fault, you know. You asked me to use the stairs!" I answered, irritated.

"Come on, you lazy girl! Let's get going! FASTER, Charlotte!" Rose shouted in my ears, again.

"Okay, okay.. Where do we go? I don't even know what's your plan." I said, patiently.

Calm down, Charlotte. You have to control yourself. You've been doing this for 2 years.

"Drive me to the Diamond Delight Spa and Resort. I'm going to have manis and pedis there while you choose my dress for tonight. You 'd have 2 hours to do that. Then, you choose a dress for yourself and change. You can do that in 45 minutes." explained Rose quickly.

She had always care about herself. Only for herself.

When we arrived at Diamond Delight, I stopped the car and opened the door for Rose to get out.

"Charlotte, remember to do your work!" ordered Rose, before she went in.

Right after she went in, I drove back to Rose's house and parked the car at the lobby. I don't care with Rose's Lambourgini. Even she doesn't care about it. She has hundred of cars that are cooler than her red Lambourgini.

I went to Rose's room, the room with a gold door and her name was there, and opened one of her wardrobe. Boy, don't even mention 100, Rose has more than 1000 dresses and clothes. She does has some jeans. But she don't do jeans. She hates boy-ish thing. Meanwhile, I love jeans, crop-tee and t-shirt with cardigan.

Talking about clothes that I like, I remember about the boy I met at the stairs.

Let's rewind a little bit.

I felt like I know this boy, like I have met him before.

He mumbled something about La Veine High School, Rose's school and apparently my school.

"La Veine High... that's... Charlotte.."

I heard my name's mentioned. You know, when strangers called your name you felt weird.

I don't know. I had enough with Rose's attitude but I think this one is pretty serious. It has something to do with me, and Rose.

I picked one of Rose's dress. It's a plain red dress. It's perfect (for me) on Rose. But I know Rose, she likes attention. So, I searched for a gown with sewn flowers and ribbons on it. Finally, after searching for years, I saw a red, pink and white gown with sewn flowers. Well, there are no ribbons but it doesn't have to perfect. Or it does?

I don't care. I really don't like to be at Rose's room. It's so pink-ish and girl-ish. Her room is painted pink, the walls are full of One Direction posters, the bed is a red queen size and decorated with pink flowers, ribbons and laces and she has 12 wardrobe.

In the other hand, my room is painted blue sky, the walls are decorated only with some picture and a dark blue circular clock, my bed was just a plain white bed with blue blanket and I only have 1 wardrobe for my clothes.

My clothes was just 1/10 of Rose's. But I never envy her, because I'm glad my room isn't pink-ish like hers.

When I finished packing Rose's dress and arranged her dresses that are scattered, I rushed to the door and headed to my room. I opened the door of my room and went to my wardrobe to chose a costume for the party.

I searched for a dress, but I have to searched so hard. It's because I usually use jeans and t-shirt. I found 1 dress. But I think it's too plain. It's a black dress that I used to use when I went to a ceremony. It has some laces too. Girl-ish. I don't have any choice but to wear it.

I quickly changed my t-shirt and jeans to the black dress. I added a pink ribbon in my waist, in case Rose complained my dress is too old-fashioned.

After I changed, I went to the lobby and started the car. It's been 2 hours since I got back.

I quickly drove back to Diamond Delight. Rose's not in the lobby, which is a good thing. I really really hate when she babbled about me being late. I parked the car and went in.

Diamond Delight is an exclusive place. It has all the things a princess need, like nail polishes, crowns, tiaras and many more (and of course all of them is a 5 star things). The place is gorgeous, it has sofas, tv, video games, computers, bookshelf and a place where we can take drinks (tea, for example) in the waiting room and many rooms for each customer to have their service. And each room has at least 3 air conditioner, even though some of them are not always turned on.

I don't really like the place, but I like to read some of the books in the waiting room while sipping a cup of tea. So, I went to the waiting room and get a cup of tea.

"Ouch!" cried a voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized. I had bumped the door to a boy as I opened the door of the waiting room.

As I saw the face of the boy, I was so shocked.

"Charlotte? What are you doing here dressed so childish, miss-know-it-all? Going on a date?"

What a wonderful life! It's my childhood biggest enemy (maybe I should've capitalize the biggest and enemy). Meet my worse nightmare, Noir Lockwood. He has been messing with me since we were 7. Now, here we are. Seeing each other again after 2 years, since I moved here and I am very happy that he's no more. After my glorious 2 years (not to mention Rose), he came all the way here for what?!

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