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We stood staring at each other for a long second. I pick up my bag and take off out the front door. I bolt it all the way to my park. I guess staying here is my only opition now. 

I sit ontop of my suitcase and start to sob into my hands. If only I had my songbook I could write the sadest song. Then I remeber one of my songs and I start to sing it softly.

 " This last call could be all we can do for each other Embrace for a dear old friend Bring wine to bed We'll toast what could have been My dearly departed To my dearly departed"  Then I break off and starting crying harder. I felt a warm pair of arms around me.

"Do you always sing sad songs?" Ethan whispered into my ear from behind. I turn around to face him. Our face so close if I could just. No this wasn't the right time. I hug him tightly not wanting him to let me going.

"I only sing sad songs when I'm in the mood." I whisper into his ear softly he rubs my back to make me feel even better. "If you think I'm going to leave you now you're wrong. Stella I can see how much me need me and Gray." He says pulling away a little to look in my eyes. I look up into his beautiful brown eyes. This guy was literally perfect.

I pull him back into a hug not wanting him to ever let go. I break the hug to grab my bag. We walk back to his house I stayed as close to him as possible. When we got back to the house I put my suitcase in my room and grab my notbook and guitar. I got back down stiars ans start to play whatever song. I avoid any sad songs to keep my mood up.

When I finished playing Camron, Grayson, and Ethan were all sitting around me. They all got up and started to clap for me. I get up and take my bow. We all start laughing together. Camron gets up so Grayson and Ethan move to sit on either side of me. I put down my guitar and cuddle up to Ethan. He wraps his arms around me.


The last few days I've stayed in my room work on new song. My youtube was starting to explode since Grayson had helped me film. I had posted all of my songs but now I was working on a spiecal song. 

I set up my scene at my park laying out roses petals, putting candles every where. Everything looked perfect so i picked up my phone and called Ethan. "Would you come to my park I'm working on a new song that I need your help with?" He had agreed to come.

I sit in the middle of the rose petals and candles my phone filming so I could get his reaction. I was wearing a plain red dress to match the rose petals.

When I see Ethan start to walk up to me I play my guitar when he got close enough I started to sing the song. 

"I know you're not far but I still can't handle all the distance You're travelling with my heart I hope this is a temporary feeling 'Cause it's too much to bear Without you and I know sorry ain't the cure If I cross your mind just know I'm yours 'Cause what we got is worth fighting for 'Cause you are..."

As I sing the song I start to think about the meaning. When he wasn't around I felt weird. As if a part of me needed him. I think I love him.....

When I finish the song I look up at him. He looked really shocked. Beofre he could say anything I say "Ethan Dolan you make me so happy. You cheer me up by just being around. I love you." I stand up 

His face goes blank and he looks down at his feet. "I should have told you this before.... i have a girlfriend."


I was home with my mom and sister again. After that night with Ethan I just took off. I started writing more songs about heart break and loss but also some songs about what it felt like to be in love. I posted all my songs to youtube and they started to get more and more attention. 

Today I was invited to sing on live television! They told me to write a new song to preform on their show. I made a song about Ethan of course it put all my emotions into my song. I wore the red dress I had woren that night with Ethan and my mom drove me to the station.

I get out with my guitar in hand. They send me through makeup then sit me on a couch. "When we say you'll sing your song then we'll have you answer afew questions for us." One of the crew say I nod my head slowly.

The lights start flashing "You're on in 5 4 3 2" He points to me to take it away.

"Hi I'm Stella and this is my new song one love." I start signing my song with confidence. I knew the words, I knew the chords, I knew I could show the world who I am.

"What if the one true love's the only one that you get? And you've been wishing but you don't know how to stay And I've been broken but I'm better every day So don't stop, no stoppin' it yet What if the one true love's the only one that you get?" 

Then I finsh the song and they cut to ads. The host of the show walks up to me shakes my hand then sits down on the other couch. "Okay kid just answer the questions how ever you want you're on in 5 4 3 2" They point to the host who smiles at the carmbra.

"Today I'm joined by the lovely Stella. She's a rising star from youtube." He turns to me smiles then askes "So Stella what is your new song 'one love' about?" I turn to the cambra

"Well it's about love and how we get our hearts broken and feel as if we only get one love." I turn back to the host who was still smiling. "I think all our viewers want to know where this came from." I turn back to the cambra. 

"Well I had my heart broken not to long ago and I'm not sure if I'll ever truely get over it. I had a feeling as if he was the one. But he never felt that way about me." I turn back to the host who looked shocked then he turns to the cambra. "Well thank you so much Stella I wish you all the best!" 

Next chapter at ten reads!

Next chapter at ten reads!

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