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Stop #1: California

My first concert! Isn't it weird how I've never even been to a concert? That means that my first concert will be on my own! Yet behind all this happiness was the sadness of not saying goodbye to Ethan. He was stuck in some hospital. Poor Grayson to but at least I got to say goodbye to him.

"Ready?" Reese says walking into my dressing room. "As I'll ever be," I say numbly she walks over to me and gives me a hug. "You'll do great out there. Now put on your brave face and go sing."

I walk on to stage nervously. The curtains were closed. All that was on the stage was a mic and stool. I sit down on the stool and nod at the curtain man. When the curtains were fully opened I could see countless people screaming excitedly.

At each show, I only got to sing five songs so I dove right into it. My first song was one love. Some of the people sang the full song with me while others only sang the chorus. When I was done I smile as the appulse hits me.

"How's everyone doing?" I ask getting a loud appulse as my answer some people were screaming at me but I ignore them. "Wow, this is crazy! My first stop on tour is in my hometown!" The crowd goes wild. From the corner of my eye, I could see Reese holding my guitar motioning for me to take it.

I walk over to her and take the guitar. "Small chatter in between songs is good but don't take to long or we may have to cut songs." I nod then walk back on stage. I put my guitar around my neck and start the next song "free". Not many people knew this song but I didn't care when I finished I continued to the next song "MIA" which more people knew.

"I love your energy!" I say after I finish the song. I hear someone from the crowd yell 'i love you' I smile then say "Love you too." The crowd goes wild while I start the next song "8 letters" than to finish it off I sang "missing".

"Thank you guys so much! This has been amazing! Hope to see you guys soon!" I hear the crowd cheer loudly as the curtains fall. Reese walks over to me smiling. "You did great!"

Stop #2: California

Tonight I was told that I would sing the same songs but I'd have more time to talk to the fans. This time when I walked on stage the curtains were opened and everyone cheered loudly. "Hey, guys! It's so great to see you all!" Then I start singing one love. I walk off stage grab my guitar and walk back onto the stage.

"You guys ever heard of a song called 'free'?" Everyone in the crowd must have screamed. I giggle then start playing "free" with all the energy I could. When I was done I took a drink from my water. "Wow this is cool but you get thirsty very fast!" Some people in the crowd laughed I giggled to myself then start singing "MIA" for this song I sang it a little bit slower than how I made it. I didn't take a break in between cause I was on a roll. After I finish "8 letters" the crowd almost exploded with cheering and clapping. "Well thank you!" I say giggling but then I realized they weren't looking at me.

I turn around to see Ethan and Grayson standing on stage. I rush over and give them both a big hug. They both had casts on their right hands. All three of us could not stop smiling. I grab Ethan's left hand and don't let go. The crowd starts yelling louder. Some of the set crew come on giving the twins both mics.

I let go of Ethan to get my mic. Then walk back to them. "This is different isn't it Gray?" Ethan says looking over at Ethan. "Well, it won't be for long," Gray says looking at me. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask giggling.

"Should we tell her?" Ethan asked, "I don't know should we?" Grayson asks the crowd who reply screaming and yelling. "Well, we're coming on tour with you! We're making the same stops as you but we'll have our own crowd." Ethan explains leaving me shocked.

The twins would be doing their own tour! They would be touring with me!

"All right but you guys don't even have a name for your tour," I say jokingly Gray turns to me. "Yeah what makes you so sure?" He asks I shake my head in shock. "Yeah, Stella. Welcome to the 4ou tour!" Ethan says sending the crowd into appulse. I laugh a little at how amazing my fans were. "Well are you guys here to help me sing my last song?" The crowd cheers.

The twins shake their heads. "We'll be your backup dancer," Grayson says I laugh then walk over to my mic holder. I sing "missing" but in a happier way than how it was made. The song I wrote because I missed Ethan was now the song I sang because I didn't miss him and I wouldn't have to miss him for the rest of the tour.

Stop #3: Nevada

Tonight I would not be joined by the twins cause they were walking around. They had had their show yesterday which left them super tired.

I walked on stage with my guitar in hand. This crowd wasn't as big as the others but that didn't bother me. I play "8 letters" first and to my surprise, most of the crowd sang the song word for word. "You guys must really love Missing In Action?" I say jokingly the crowd cheers loudly 'i know every song!' someone yells from the crowd. "Why don't you help me sing 'dancing's not a crime'?" I ask the girl who was two rows in. She blushes but walks forward my security let her up on stage with me.

I could see her shaking but I wasn't going to call her out. "What's your name?" I ask her stage crew get her a mic and she shyly says "I'm Maya your biggest fan." I giggle then hug her. "Would you like to start the song?" I ask playing the beginning of the song. She joins in at the right moment singing the words slowly at first then she continues with me confidences.

"You can't take me anywhere, anywhere You can't take me anywhere, anywhere I'm still uninvited, I'm still gonna light it I'm going insane and I don't care"

I join her for the chorus.

"Dancing, dancing, dancing's not a crime Unless you do it without me Unless you do it without me Dancing, dancing, dancing's not a crime Unless you do it, do it Do it, do it, do it without me

Without me"

Then she stops singing and lets me sing the rest of the song. When we finish I hug her one last time and she walks off stage. I walk off to stage to find Ethan and Grayson waiting for me.

This tour was going to be amazing! I would be able to see Ethan all the time! Grayson would be there to obviously! This was going to be a great two and a half months.

Five reads to next chapter!😍😘

Five reads to next chapter!😍😘

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