Meeting Stardust

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A red alicorn flew just outside the House of Mouse, his saddlebags filled with supplies for tonight. He was really looking forward to seeing Mickey. To be honest, no one really needed his help until now. For a minute there he thought he was going to live on the streets.

Stardust: Here it is, The House of Mouse. It's time I put these talents of mine to good use.

Greeting a teenage dog as he walked inside, he was just about to ask were Mickey is, when a duck walked up to him. The duck said that Mickey was in his dressing room getting ready and with no haste, Stardust went speeding by. He also made a note to self to know the duck's name later.

Once he got to Mickey's dressing room, he knocked on the door and heard "Come on in!". But as soon as he did, he was in complete shock. His eyes couldn't believe it he was seeing Mickey Mouse himself.

Mickey: You must be Stardust! 

Stardust: I sure am! Organization is my main department, but I'm also capable of  food/table waiting, entertainment and hosting special events!

Mickey was amazed of how much he can do. 'It's like he was dedicated to his work, perhaps he can work here when the time comes.' He thought as he told him that he was going to be a guest toon for tonight's show.


End of chapter!
A/N: In the picture at the start is what my OC looks like.
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