New Toons Finale

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During the cartoon, Stardust was getting ready for the act with Maui. Earlier the night, when he first met Maui. The demigod wanted to see if anyone in the House of Mouse knew him. Much to his dismay, hardly anyone knew him. So he decided to get Mickey to let him perform a number on stage later, and to the alicorn's surprise, he wanted him to be part of it.

The alicorn was struggling to memorize his lines, but Maui told him he only has a speaking part, to Stardust's relief. So far, he has an idea he got some advice from Moana and that was to just be himself. This was also his first time on stage, so it was obvious he's got stage fright. To relieve some of it he decides to check one last time for new toons.

Stardust: So Daisy, any newcomers?

Daisy: Unfortunately, no. Have you been practicing for your act with Maui?

Stardust: I have, and I'm nervous about this.

Stardust told Daisy about his act with Maui, he even had an idea of an act where it would welcome all the new toons to the House of Mouse. Unaware that something was coming up right behind Stardust. It was a giant robot that also looked like a balloon, his name was Baymax.

Daisy: Wow, you sure are an interesting robot.

Stardust: Yeah, who are you?

Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax. A personal healthcare companion

Stardust: So you're like a doctor sorta?

Baymax: Correct.

Daisy: Than I would assume you have a reservation?

Baymax: Actually, no. That would be my friend Hiro Hamada.

At that moment a young boy along with some other teens around his age, came in. They were Hiro Hamada, Honey Lemon, Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred.

Stardust: Oh, you must be Hiro. My name is Stardust Glitter, and I can assume you created Baymax?

Hiro: Oh, actually, that would be my brother Tadashi.

Daisy: Is he coming?

At that moment Hiro and the rest of his friends were silent. It took the alicorn and duck a moment to realize that Tadashi was gone.

Stardust: Oh, uh we're sorry we didn't know.

Hiro: No, no its okay. He still lives inside Baymax, because he created him.

Daisy: Well, that's nice. By the way, how does Baymax work?

Hiro: Well, let's say you hit your head against something.

Daisy had an idea and throws a pen at Stardust. But instead of it hitting him on the head, she accidently hit him in the eye.

Stardust: Ow! That hurt!

Daisy: Sorry! I didn't mean too. Not really good at throwing.

Before Stardust can say anything. Baymax scanned his eye, and placed his hand on Stardust's face.

Baymax: You have a minor bruise on your eye. Icing the area for 5 minutes once a day is reccomended.

The coolness from the robot's hand was pretty soothing, it healed Stardust's eye. Sure enough, he was able to see clearly again.

Stardust: Wow, so that's how it works.

After which, the alicorn took the teens and the healthcare companion to their table. He was certainly feeling more estatic than ever.

Daisy: Well you're certainly in a good mood, Stardust.

Stardust: Well, yeah. I've been seeing a whole lot of new toons tonight. Not only that, but I also get to be in an act and an interview!

Stardust continues to tell Daisy about the act with Maui and the interview with Mickey later. Unaware that there were two more new toons he would be seeing. At that moment, a rabbit officer with amythest eyes and a fox with a yellow-green shirt with a blue tie and emerald green eyes came to The House of Mouse. The rabbit's name was Judy Hopps, first rabbit officer of the ZPD, and the fox was Nicholas Wilde or Nick for short, also first fox officer of the ZPD. 

Judy: Excuse me. Is this the right place? House of mouse? Don't worry I'm off my shift.

Daisy: Yes you are at the right place. Do you have a reservation?

Judy: Yeah, Judy party of two.

When Stardust heard that name he was stunned. He heard of a rabbit named Judy Hopps and looked up to her. That was when he had to know.

Stardust: Wait a minute. Do you mean as in Judy Hopps? First rabbit officer of the ZPD?

Judy: Yes?

Stardust: Then it really is you! I am Stardust Glitter, wow, I can't believe I'm actually talking to Officer Judy Hopps. It is truly an honor to meet you, as well as Nick Wilde.

Nick: Well it's nice to be meeting you too kid. But if you don't mind me asking, what are you?

Stardust: Oh, I'm an alicorn. Which it's pretty rare to be born as an alicorn in Equestria.

Judy: What is an alicorn?

Stardust: It's a cross between a unicorn and a pegasus, in Equestria, only the highest royalty are alicorns. Just ask my cousin, she's the princess of friendship.

Nick: Then that means your like a prince of friendship?

Stardust: More like a duke of friendship.

Judy: Anyway me and Nick should probably get to our table.

Stardust: Oh, yes absoutly. And Daisy, tell Goofy I call waiting their table.

Daisy: Okay, I'll tell him that.

With that, Stardust took Judy and Nick to their table. While doing so, he got both Judy and Nick to sign his autograph book and even a selfie. He even noticed the two holding paws together and assumed they're dating. As he heads back to his dressing room, he runs into Maui, ready for his act.

Maui: So you ready for this kiddo?

Stardust: Sure am. Just need to do one last thing.

With all these new toons, Stardust decided that they should be feeled welcomed at the House of Mouse. And what better way than with another musical number, and he knows just the person to turn too, Lumire.

Lumire: So you want me to perform an act to welcom the new toons?

Stardust: Yes. This probably seems like too much for you?

Lumire: Oh no, not at all. I'd be thrilled to perform after your act.

Stardust: Excellent.


End of chapter!

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