Mousy Madness

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The next day, Stardust was going through his mail when he received a peculiar letter from a certain somepony. Stardust opened up the letter and read it.

The letter said.

Dear Stardust Glitter

This is your cousin, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I've written this letter cause I need your assistance with some magic. I've been trying to learn some new magic spells, mainly spells that you can transform into animals. Now the reason why I'm asking for your help is one, I know for a fact you love animals. The second reason is I've heard you've been making some new friends at a nightclub called the House of Mouse.

This may not seem like I'm helping, but I want you to get at least two of your friends at this nightclub to join you on these magic spells, one at a time. The first animal transformation spell I want you to do is a mouse. Write back to me and tell me all about it when you've finished.

Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Stardust was in shock. He never was asked to help with magic, so this was exciting for him. It was settled, he would find someone to help him with his task. He only hoped the guests won't get mad at him if he accidentally puts their lives in danger.

The next night, at the House of Mouse, Stardust came on time and had Mickey know about his letter. After some talking, he agreed to it, only if he would save it for near the end of the show.

For now, he was helping Goofy with waiting the tables for the guests. As he finished with one table he was stopped by a little joey named, Roo.

Roo: Hi there, Mr. Stardust!

Stardust: Oh, hi Roo. Stardust, please. And, how's Kanga doing?

Roo: She's doing fine. Stardust, what's with that paper in your saddlebag?

Stardust: Oh, that's just a letter my cousin sent me. She wants me to help with some transformation spells. Starting with a mouse.

Roo: Transformation spells? Can I join in on one?

Stardust: I don't know. I don't want to put your life in peril... But since it's just for a little while. Sure I guess. 

Stardust raised his front hooves and in seconds, they were little mice. Stardust was a red mouse but still had his silver mane hair. While Roo was a brown mouse and still had his usual blue shirt. Roo was very excited to be a mouse. Stardust wanted to get this over with as fast as possible.

Stardust: So, Roo. The way to be a mouse is to start off by learning how to climb.

Roo: Climb? But I already know how to.

Stardust: But can you climb with four paws?

Roo did know how to climb, but only with his hands and legs. But he never thought of with four paws.

Stardust: Here, I'll show you.

Stardust demonstrated climbing on four paws on a nearby empty table cloth. Though he did slip once or twice, he managed to climb to the top. Roo tried to do the same but went to fast and slipped at the top. But Stardust caught him just before he could fall. The two slide off the table cloth and decided to explore the House of Mouse as mice.

Roo: Say, Stardust.

Stardust: Yeah?

Roo: What's with that picture I saw on your rear end?

Stardust: Oh! That was my cutiemark.

Roo: Cutiemark?

Stardust: Well where I'm from, when a pony finds their destiny they get their cutiemark. For instance, my cousin Twilight, her cutiemark is a six-pointed star because she has magical wonders of magic and friendship. Now my cutiemark is a shooting star. I feel as it represents me always being there for my friends and family. Yet again, I may have multiple talents.

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