New Toons part 2

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Backstage, Minnie and Stardust were trying to find something for an act Stardust was going to star in. A few minutes earlier he met two new toons by the names Moana and Maui, who found their way here using the stars. They called it "wayfinding". Maui wanted to have an act where he explained himself and wants Stardust to join him. Minnie was having the alicorn try on various costumes for this act.

Stardust: Are you sure I need a costume for this?

Minnie: Of course, why wouldn't you?

Stardust: Well it's just. I feel like, it's not necessary for me. I mean, none of the costumes can even fit me.

Minnie: What are you saying?

Stardust: I'm saying I'm just going to be as myself.

Minnie: O.K., if you insist.

Stardust went back to the main lobby where Daisy was, as usual, managing the front desk. Checking for reservations.

Stardust: Any new toons yet?

Daisy: No not yet. Say, does it feel a little chilly in here to you?

Stardust: No, not really. The cold never bothered me anyway.

This brought a chuckle to Daisy, who felt a little chilly and Stardust felt it a bit too. Stardust was about to get started on his shift on waiting tables, but he noticed a regal looking lady in a beautiful sky blue dress another lady with light brown hair and in a purple outfit and what looked like a walking talking snowman looking confused around. Their names were Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. Curious, he decides to introduce himself to the trio.

Stardust: Hello sir and madams, first time here?

Anna: Yes, we are.

Elsa: Are we at the right place? House of Mouse, Main Street?

Just before Stardust could answer her question, Donald came running out of nowhere to greet them and shake their hands. Much to Stadust's annoyance.

Donald: Yes you are! Welcome to my club.

Anna: Your club? I assumed a mouse would be in charge.

Hearing this, Donald was knocked out of his happy state. The duck started grumbling under his breath.

Stardust: You'll have to excuse him. He gets jealous when it comes to popularity around. Stardust, Stardust Glitter at your service. What are your names?

Elsa: Elsa, Queen Elsa of Arendelle. But please, call me Elsa.

Anna: I'm Anna. Well, Princess Anna of Arendelle if you prefer formalities. 

Olaf: I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.

Daisy: A snowman that likes warmth? I guess you feel cold a lot?

Olaf: Nope. But I do melt when I get too hot. That's why Elsa made me this ice flurry.

Stardust: Are you saying Elsa has ice powers?

Elsa: Yes, I do.

Anna: Olaf was the same snowman that Elsa and I built as kids.

Daisy: Oh, that's sweet.

After getting their table, Stardust did some waiting on tables and thought about what he and Mickey could be talking about during his interview later. He was trying to make a good impression when it comes because he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of everyone. Especially cause he spotted Madam Mim across the way. Thankfully, she didn't see him, yet. Because of this, Stardust was planning his next move the second she does hers.

Daisy: Stardust, are you alright?

Stardust: Oh, I'm fine. It's just, I'm trying to be ready for when Mim pulls one her pranks in an attempt to embarrass me.

Stardust decided to try to become friends with more of the guests, especially the new ones as he was waiting the tables. But just as he came back into the lobby, he saw some new toons, that to him, and to his surprise were toys. Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Rex, and Bo Peep. Upon this, Stardust thought it would be best to introduce himself to the group.

Woody: *sees Stardust approaching* Howdy there, noble steed.

Stardust: Hi, welcome to the house of Mouse! First time here?

Buzz: Yes, you guys are toys too?

Daisy: Ummm... no. 

Jessie: Well toy or not, you two are the most unique critter I've ever seen.

Daisy: Actually I'm a duck.

Stardust: And I'm an alicorn. The more unique one here.

After some talking Daisy got their table while Stardust went to help Minnie with the backstage, and the cartoon for tonight. As Daisy was hanging out at the front desk, Donald approached her.

Donald: Boy, there sure are more than usual tonight.

Daisy: Yeah, I haven't seen the club this packed since Christmas. I think Mickey took Stardust's idea.

Donald: What do you mean?

Daisy: Have you not heard? There are more toons out there that are actually wanting to come tonight. My computer is already full of reservations.

Donald was surprised to hear this. He did hear about new toons but wasn't sure about them coming because of their generation. Stardust proved him wrong by suggesting this to Mickey. For the first time, Donald saw Stardust becoming a regular worker here.


End of chapter!

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House of Mouse, now with an OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora