Stardust's rival

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The next night Stardust was trying a new technique for getting the jobs he had to do around the club done. He put roller skates on his hooves and decided to speed his way through the night to get things done faster. It started off well for helping Minnie with the backstage area, but when he started waiting tables with Goofy that's when it all started to fall down. 

Slipping and sliding around the dining area, while avoiding the guests and penguin servers certainly did not help, neither was the complaints from the toons as well. Stardust was beginning to reconsider this just as he collided with Goofy, causing the two to fall. To top it all off, Goofy was carrying a pitcher of water, which unfortunately landed right onto Stardust's head with the water still in.

Stardust: *gurgling in the water* Goofy! Goofy, get Mickey and help me out here!

Goofy went to go get Mickey and together, they helped Stardust out of the pitcher. Goofy pulled on the water pitcher, and Mickey pulled on Stardust's rear end. Stardust was out of the pitcher, with his head now soaking wet. So he went to go get a towel, but not before sliding around on his roller skates again. This time, crashing into an empty table. As he was coughing out some of the water, it caught the attention of another villain, by the name of Madam Mim.

Madam Mim: Sounds like someone's sick. How lovely hee hee, I do hope it's serious. Something dreadful.

But when she turned to see Stardust coughing out water, she was rather disappointed and annoyed too.

Madam Mim: Oohh. It's nothing but a scrawny little pony. With roller skates on his hooves.

Stardust: *looks up to see Mim* Huh? Oh, I'm not just any pony, I'm an alicorn.

Madam Mim: An alicorn?

Stardust: Yeah. *takes his roller skates off with his magic* It's a cross between a unicorn and a pegasus. Where I'm from, only the highest royalty are alicorns. Not to mention our magic is pretty powerful, sort of like Merlin's magic. He's the most powerful wizard I know.

Madam Mim: Merlin oh ho! Merlin... the world's most powerful bunkum. Why boy, I've more magic in one little finger!

Madam Mim: *jumps out of her seat, while doing a little foot dance, excited* Oh hoo hoo hoo! Now don't tell me you've never heard of the Marvelous Madam Mim!

Stardust: Well, I might have heard the name but no.

Madam Mim: Why boy, I'm the greatest. I'm truly marvelous.

Madam Mim: With only a touch, I have the power. Zim Zabrim Zim! To wither a flower. I find delight in the gruesome and grim!

Stardust: That's just terrible!

Madam Mim: Thank you, my boy. But that's nothing, nothing for me! Cause I'm the Magnificent Marvelous Mad Madam Mim.

Madam Mim: You know what? I can even change size.

Stardust: Really?

Madam Mim: I can be HUGE! *jumps and grows enormous* In this whole house!

Stardust was pretty impressed by her sorcery just as she was shrinking down.

Madam Mim: *shrinks all the way to her table* And can be teeny, small as a mouse. Black sorcery is my dish of tea. 

Madam Mim: *pulls out her broom* Err it comes easy to me. Cause I'm the Magnificent Marvelous Mad Madam Mim!

Mim flew around tiny on her broom for a little while, still amazing Stardust with her wits of sorcery. She flew back down to normal size surprising the alicorn.

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