Stardust's first day

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A/N: Just note when Stardust is doing some interactives he using his unicorn magic. That's all.

Today was Stardust's first night at the House of Mouse. So, he was VERY nervous. Not because he had anxiety, nor did he had zero experience, but because he wasn't a Disney Toon. This made him think to himself what would happen if he screwed up. He didn't want to think about it, so he focused on his first task, waiting tables with Goofy. It was starting out smoothly with him taking peoples order, sometimes he would chat with some of them if he had time.

Stardust: *looks over to see Ariel and Prince Eric waiting* Goofy, did you by chance get their order yet?

Goofy: Not yet. But you can do them if you want.

Stardust went and got Ariel and Eric's order, but before he could leave Ariel stopped him.

Ariel: Sorry, but I don't think I've seen you before. You new here?

Stardust: Why, yes I am. Name's Stardust Glitter, but I go by Stardust.

Ariel: Well I'm Ariel and this is Eric. Is this your first time here?

Stardust: Uh, yeah. Now I know what you might be thinking, I'm not one of you guys I get it.

Ariel: No not at all. In fact, I think you're pretty neat for a...

Stardust: Alicorn?

Ariel: Yes.

Stardust: Well, I should get back to work, see you later I guess.

Ariel: O.K., one more thing. Don't let your thoughts get the best of you.

Stardust took Ariel's advice as he was helping Minnie backstage and assisting Daisy at the register. He couldn't help but notice Donald was losing his temper again. So he went over to him to see what's up with him.

Stardust: Hello, Donald.

Donald: What do you want Stardust?

Stardust: Just wanted to see what has gotten you so worked up tonight.

Donald: Oh, it's Pete. He's up to no good again.

Stardust: Ummm... who's Pete?

Donald: *points to where he is* See that guy in the white suit over there?

Stardust: Yeah.

Donald: He's the landlord. Every time he comes over, it's never good.

Stardust: What does he do?

Donald explained to Stardust that Pete would always try to shut down the club whenever he comes over. Not knowing that he was coming up right behind him.

Pete: Well well well, it looks like we have an outcast in the club. One-side, bird brain. *pushes Donald out of the way*

Stardust: You must be Pete, the landlord.

Pete: Oh, so must be the alicorn that everyone can't stop yappering about. So I suggest you run along, kid.

Stardust: Sir. I'll have you know that Mickey Mouse himself hired me to help out his club, from waiting tables, and helping backstage, to putting on acts. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. From just talking to you, you sound like trouble to me.

This made Pete burst in laughter, thinking that this was some kind of joke. But to be sure he knows what coming to him. He grabs him by the hooves, straightens him out and throws him across the dining area making him land a bullseye on a table, horn first.

Mickey: And now let's start things off with a cartoon, staring my pal Goofy.

After the cartoon, which featured Goofy trying to learn how to play Baseball, Stardust was still pretty mad for what Pete did to him. There were 2 things he didn't like, one of them was being thrown as a playing dart. The other was being called an outcast, and that just makes him angry. In the meantime, he decided to let off some steam by talking to Daisy Duck.

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