Friends of a Feather

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The next evening, Stardust got another letter from Twilight. Once again, Stardust opened and read the letter. 

Dear Stardust Glitter

I knew you could do it! I have gotten the proof letter you sent me. I feel like you have been getting popular at the House of Mouse Now the second spell I want you to do is a bird. Like the mouse, write back to me when you're done.

Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Just like before, Stardust told Mickey about his letter and got to work. This time, he was covering for Goofy on waiting tables because he was helping his son Max on a date with Roxanne. Right now, the alicorn was talking to the lord of the dead himself, Hades.

Hades: So tell me, how's it like working here at the House of Mouse?

Stardust: It's becoming rather exciting. Not only do I get to join Mickey and his friends at the club, but also see all of the Disney toons that I loved as a colt.

Hades: Oh, great. More love for the good guys. You know, there's not really a lot of love for the villains.

Stardust: Now wait a minute, just because I like the ones that are good doesn't mean I like some who are bad. To tell you the truth, you're one of those people.

Hades: Now that heats thing up around here. I can tell you and I are gonna get along just fine.

After the conversation with Hades Stardust was getting ready to transform into a bird. But he was still waiting for Roo to come. But then he realized he couldn't come tonight because of a sleepover with Lumpy. Stardust had to find someone else, he was stumbling until he ran into a curious little girl named, Alice.

Alice: You and I are going to transform into birds?

Stardust: Yep. That's right. Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes of flying.

Alice: Well, I've been on many strange adventures in Wonderland. So this one shouldn't be any different.

Stardust once again raised his front hooves and the two were birds. Stardust was a big red bird with silver on his wings. Alice was a little blue bird with white on her belly and yellow on her wings.

Stardust: Now, for your lesson on flying. First, you have to spread your wings. Then you jump and soar, here watch me.

Alice tried to do what Stardust was doing. At first, she thought she was falling, but instead, she was flying. She joined Stardust, as the two flew around the House of Mouse. Mickey, who was watching from below was impressed with how stardust was making so many new friends and was starting to consider having Stardust stay once he made the night club popular again.

After some flying around, Stardust and Alice were relaxing, while watching the show from above the dining area. Alice was about to head back down when she saw another blue bird coming her way.

Alice: Umm... excuse me. Could you let me go by?

The bird didn't move instead he was whistling to her like he was singing a song.

Stardust: *sees the bird staring awkwardly at Alice* Hmm... I suppose we might just have to do some backtracking.

The two birds flew back a little, but the bluebird just kept on following Alice. She tried to shoo him off, but instead, he wrapped his wings around her as he nuzzled against her. At this point, it was clear to the duo that the bird was in love with Alice. This was making her feel very uncomfortable.

Alice: How much longer on this spell, Stardust?

Stardust: I have to do at least ten more minutes. If that bird makes you feel uncomfortable, I suggest you try to lose him. And before you ask, no my magic can't work on love yet.

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