The Trackers and the Trailers

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Chapter Five


As we all stepped outside, I heard a lot of gasps. I looked up to see what was happening. On the road sat a school bus. But it wasn't...normal. It looked like white marble encrusted with black marble. We all ran towards it, and as I got on, I almost fainted. It was nothing like a school bus. It had a bunch of fuzzy (but sophistacated) chairs. I sat down closer to the back, next to a boy with white eyes, black hair, and high cheekbones. I'll admit, he was cute.

"Hi," the boy said, "I'm James."

"I'm Reagan."

He smiled, "So, what's your element?"

I blinked. I didn't know. So, I shrugged.

He nodded, then said, "I'm light. That's why my eyes are white." He pointed at his head.

"Can your eye color determine your element?" I asked.

"Yep. You have blue eyes, so you'll probably be water."

I yawned, "Boring!"

"Water is creative. But, you have ice blue eyes, so I'd say ice, actually."

I nodded. "What color would spirit be?"

He frowned. "Purple."

"Purple eyes?" I laughed.

He laughed too. "My sister is a spirit user. Her eyes are bright purple!"

We laughed harder.


"Ferma! Would you stop it?"

She shrugged.

Ferma has bright purple eyes because she's a spirit user.

Me, on the other hand, well, I have yellow eyes. All because I'm a wind user.

And Gamma, believe it or not, has moss green eyes (So normal!), which stands for earth.

Her mom named her after the Greek letter Gamma, and we have no idea why.


The bus was packed.

Way to packed.

To the point where I couldn't find Violet.

"TRENT!" Someone yelled. I turned to see Violet waving frantically at me.

I ran and sat down next to her. "What up?"

"What up?! This is crazy! What's my element? Do you know?"

I nodded, "Humanity."

"Hu-" she mumbled, then said, "Oh, c'mon! Not fair! Wait, that depends, what're you?"

I smiled, "Lightning."


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